Celebratio Mathematica

A. Adrian Albert

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Works connected to Leonard Eugene Dickson

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A. A. Al­bert: Al­geb­ras and their rad­ic­als and di­vi­sion al­geb­ras. Ph.D. thesis, Uni­versity of Chica­go, 1928. Ad­vised by L. E. Dick­son. MR 2611246 phdthesis

A. A. Al­bert: “Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, 1874–1954,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 61 (1955), pp. 331–​345. MR 0070564 Zbl 0065.​24408 article

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 3. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1975. MR 0441667 book

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 5. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1975. MR 0441669 book

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 4. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1975. MR 0441668 book

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 1. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1975. MR 0441665 book

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 2. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1975. MR 0441666 book

L. E. Dick­son: The col­lec­ted math­em­at­ic­al pa­pers of Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son, vol. 6. Edi­ted by A. A. Al­bert. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Co. (New York), 1983. MR 749229 book

D. D. Fen­ster: “Re­search in al­gebra at the Uni­versity of Chica­go: Le­onard Eu­gene Dick­son and A. Ad­ri­an Al­bert,” pp. 179–​197 in Epis­odes in the his­tory of mod­ern al­gebra (1800–1950). Edi­ted by J. Gray and K. H. Par­shall. His­tory of Math­em­at­ics 32. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2007. MR 2353496 Zbl 1128.​01023 incollection