Celebratio Mathematica

Michael F. Atiyah

Papers on index theory (1963–1984)

Works connected to Raoul H. Bott

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M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “The in­dex prob­lem for man­i­folds with bound­ary,” pp. 175–​186 in Dif­fer­en­tial Ana­lys­is: Pa­pers presen­ted at the in­ter­na­tion­al col­loqui­um (Bom­bay, 7–14 Janu­ary 1964). Tata In­sti­tute of Fun­da­ment­al Re­search Stud­ies in Math­em­at­ics 2. Ox­ford Uni­versity Press (Lon­don), 1964. MR 0185606 Zbl 0163.​34603 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 72 : 2 (1966), pp. 245–​250. MR 0190950 Zbl 0151.​31801 article

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic com­plexes, I,” Ann. Math. (2) 86 : 2 (1967), pp. 374–​407. MR 0212836 Zbl 0161.​43201 article

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic com­plexes, II: Ap­plic­a­tions,” Ann. Math. (2) 88 : 3 (November 1968), pp. 451–​491. MR 0232406 Zbl 0167.​21703 article

M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, I,” Acta Math. 124 : 1 (July 1970), pp. 109–​189. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 26:2(158). MR 0470499 Zbl 0191.​11203 article

M. F. At’ja, R. Bott, and L. Gord­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, I,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 26 : 2(158) (1971), pp. 25–​100. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Acta Math. 124:1 (1970). MR 0606062 Zbl 0208.​13201 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em,” Matem­atika, Mosk­va 17 : 6 (1973), pp. 3–​48. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in In­vent. Math. 19:4 (1973). Zbl 0364.​58016 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em,” In­vent. Math. 19 : 4 (1973), pp. 279–​330. Ded­ic­ated to Sir Wil­li­am Hodge on his 70th birth­day. Er­rata were pub­lished in In­vent. Math. 28:3 (1975). A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Matem­atika 17:6 (1973). MR 0650828 Zbl 0257.​58008 article

M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, II,” Acta Math. 131 : 1 (December 1973), pp. 145–​206. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 39:3(237). MR 0470500 Zbl 0266.​35045 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “Er­rata to: ‘On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em’,” In­vent. Math. 28 : 3 (1975), pp. 277–​280. Er­rata for art­icle in In­vent. Math. 19:4 (1973). MR 0650829 Zbl 0301.​58018 article

M. F. At’ya, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, II,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 39 : 3(237) (1984), pp. 171–​224. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Acta Math. 131:1 (1973). MR 747794 Zbl 0568.​35058 article

V. Vassiliev: “The math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of ‘La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions’,” pp. xxiii–​xxviii in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 2: Dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. Com­ment­ary on two-part art­icle pub­lished in Acta Math. 124 (1970) and Acta Math. 131 (1973). MR 1290364 incollection