Celebratio Mathematica

Shiing-Shen Chern

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Works connected to Erwin Kruppa

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book W. Blasch­ke: Ges­am­melte Werke, Band 2: Kin­ematik und In­teg­ral­geo­met­rie. Edi­ted by W. Burau, S.-S. Chern, K. Leicht­weiß, H. R. Müller, L. A. San­taló, U. Si­mon, and K. Strubeck­er. Thales-Ver­lag (Es­sen), 1985. With com­ment­ar­ies by Hans Robert Müller and Lu­is A. San­taló and with in­tro­duct­ory ma­ter­i­al by Er­win Kruppa. MR 909486 Zbl 0646.​53002