
Celebratio Mathematica

Friedrich E. P. Hirzebruch

Friedrich Hirzebruch (1927–2012)

by Yuri I. Manin

Friedrich Hirzebruch was eight­een years old in Decem­ber 1945 when he star­ted his study at Münster Uni­versity. Re­min­is­cing about this time in 2009 he wrote:

Wenn ich dam­als ein­en kur­zen Leben­slauf abgeben musste, dann en­thielt er im­mer den Satz “Von Mitte Janu­ar 1945 bis zum 1. Ju­li 1945 durch­lief ich Arbeits­di­enst, Militär und Kriegsge­fan­genschaft.” (In those days, whenev­er I had to sup­ply a short CV, it al­ways con­tained the sen­tence: “Between mid-Janu­ary 1945 and Ju­ly 1, 1945, I served fa­tigue duty, mil­it­ary duty, and was de­tained as pris­on­er of war.”)

This state­ment puts a double dis­tance between the present day and pain­ful youth of war years, de­fies any at­tempt to ex­press this pain more elo­quently, and does so by si­lence.

After set­tling in Bonn in 1956, Hirzebruch put great ef­fort in­to the res­tor­a­tion of the European math­em­at­ic­al com­munity, des­troyed, like so many oth­er in­sti­tu­tions and lives, by the war. The bril­liant idea of an­nu­al Arbeit­sta­gun­gen and later the found­ing of the Max Planck In­sti­tute for Math­em­at­ics (MPIM) bore rich fruit. Hirzebruch struggled for the new Europe, like Henri Cartan in France, us­ing all the in­flu­ence that he pos­sessed as an in­ter­na­tion­ally renowned re­search­er.

My first close con­tact with Fritz and Inge Hirzebruch came in 1967. I spent six weeks at the In­sti­tut des Hautes Études Sci­en­ti­fiques in Bures-sur-Yvette, where Grothen­dieck taught me the “fresh-from-the-oven” pro­ject of mo­tivic co­homo­logy. After that I got per­mis­sion and a Ger­man entry visa, which en­abled me to vis­it Bonn and to par­ti­cip­ate in the Arbeit­sta­gung on my way back to Mo­scow.

The bliss­ful stress of study with Grothen­dieck and of Par­is ma­gic did something to my body, but in Bonn, Inge and Fritz treated me as their son and helped my heal­ing. Their kind­ness and gen­er­os­ity forever re­main in my memory.

In 1968 an ab­rupt end came to these bud­ding dir­ect con­tacts between math­em­aticians of West­ern Europe and their col­leagues in the So­viet Uni­on and East­ern Europe. The next gen­er­a­tion, com­ing after Hirzebruch’s and then mine, had dif­fer­ent con­cerns. As one of those young men re­called re­cently, “We thought it highly likely we would be blown off the plan­et, and that, some­how, it was up to us — chil­dren after all — to pre­vent it.”1 We were not blown off the plan­et. The ex­ist­ing or­der of things again star­ted to seem stable — or stag­nat­ing. I had not the slight­est pre­mon­i­tion that this epoch would also pass dur­ing my life and that al­most a quarter of a cen­tury af­ter­wards I would meet Fritz again and be­come a col­league of his in the MPIM. After 1990 and the fall of the Ber­lin Wall, Friedrich Hirzebruch, through an im­mense ef­fort, helped many math­em­aticians from East Ger­many find jobs and con­tin­ue their sci­entif­ic lives in a new en­vir­on­ment.

Math­em­at­ics is a trav­ail de longue haleine. Le­onard Euler (born in Basel and work­ing in St. Peters­burg), in­spired per­haps by the sev­en bridges of Königs­berg (mostly des­troyed by bomb­ings in 1944 and 1945), dis­covered the no­tion of Euler char­ac­ter­ist­ic of a graph. This no­tion had evolved dur­ing two cen­tur­ies and by the time Friedrich Hirzebruch was matur­ing as a math­em­atician, found re­in­carn­a­tion as an al­tern­at­ing sum of di­men­sions of co­homo­logy groups of (in­vert­ible) sheaves on an al­geb­ra­ic man­i­fold. The cel­eb­rated Riemann–Roch–Hirzebruch for­mula of 1954 (de­scribed by Atiyah) ex­pressed this num­ber through geo­met­ric in­vari­ants of the base, cru­cially us­ing the Todd genus, dis­covered by J. A. Todd from Liv­er­pool. At the first Arbeit­sta­gung in 1957, Al­ex­an­der Grothen­dieck, son of a Rus­si­an an­arch­ist and an etern­al ex­ile in France and every­where else, presen­ted its great gen­er­al­iz­a­tion.

Per­haps the Riemann–Roch–Hirzebruch–Grothen­dieck The­or­em, which fused and crowned ef­forts of a dozen great spir­its from all corners of Europe, de­serves to be put on the flag of the united Europe more than any oth­er sym­bol.