Celebratio Mathematica

Michael F. Atiyah

Papers on gauge theories

Works connected to Vijay Kumar Patodi

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M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “Yang–Mills and bundles over al­geb­ra­ic curves,” pp. 11–​20 in Geo­metry and ana­lys­is: Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to the memory of V. K. Pat­odi. In­di­an Academy of Sci­ences (Ban­galore), 1980. Re­pub­lished in Proc. In­di­an Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 90:1 (1981). MR 592249 Zbl 0482.​14007 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “Yang–Mills and bundles over al­geb­ra­ic curves,” pp. 11–​20 in Geo­metry and ana­lys­is: Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to the memory of V. K. Pat­odi, published as Proc. In­di­an Acad. Sci., Math. Sci. 90 : 1. In­di­an Academy of Sci­ences (Ban­galore), 1981. MR 653942 Zbl 0499.​14005 incollection