Celebratio Mathematica

Paul Baum

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Works connected to George Arthur Elliott

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P. F. Baum and P. M. Ha­jac: “Loc­al proof of al­geb­ra­ic char­ac­ter­iz­a­tion of free ac­tions” in Spe­cial is­sue on non­com­mut­at­ive geo­metry and quantum groups in hon­or of Marc A. Rief­fel, published as SIGMA 10. Issue edi­ted by G. El­li­ott, P. M. Ha­jac, H. Li, and J. Rosen­berg. 2014. pa­per no. 060. MR 3226990 Zbl 1295.​22010 ArXiv 1402.​3024 incollection