Celebratio Mathematica

Elwyn Berlekamp

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Works connected to Martin Gardner

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The math­em­a­gi­cian and pied puzz­ler: A col­lec­tion in trib­ute to Mar­tin Gard­ner (At­lanta, Janu­ary 1993). Edi­ted by E. R. Ber­lekamp and T. Rodgers. A K Peters (Nat­ick, MA), 1999. MR 1678000 Zbl 0926.​00006 book

E. Ber­lekamp: “Four games for Gard­ner,” pp. 383–​386 in Puzz­lers’ trib­ute: A feast for the mind. Edi­ted by D. Wolfe and T. Rodgers. A K Peters (Nat­ick, MA), 2002. A re­lated art­icle was pub­lished in More games of no chance (2002). incollection