Celebratio Mathematica

Raoul H. Bott

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R. Bott: Elec­tric­al net­work the­ory. Ph.D. thesis, Carne­gie Mel­lon Uni­versity, 1949. Ad­vised by R. J. Duffin. MR 2937907 phdthesis

R. J. Duffin and R. Bott: “Im­ped­ance syn­thes­is without use of trans­formers,” J. Ap­pl. Phys. 20 : 8 (1949), pp. 816. MR 0037753 article

R. Bott: “On the third sym­met­ric po­tency of \( S_1 \),” Fun­dam. Math. 39 : 1 (1952), pp. 264–​268. From a let­ter to K. Bor­suk. MR 0054954 Zbl 0050.​17801 article

R. Bott: “Two new com­bin­at­or­i­al in­vari­ants for poly­hedra,” Port. Math. 11 : 1 (1952), pp. 35–​40. MR 0048820 Zbl 0047.​42003 article

R. Bott and H. Samel­son: “On the Pontry­agin product in spaces of paths,” Com­ment. Math. Helv. 27 (1953), pp. 320–​337. MR 0060233 Zbl 0052.​19301 article

R. Bott and R. J. Duffin: “On the al­gebra of net­works,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 74 : 1 (1953), pp. 99–​109. MR 0056573 Zbl 0050.​25104 article

R. Bott: “On sym­met­ric products and the Steen­rod squares,” Ann. Math. (2) 57 : 3 (May 1953), pp. 579–​590. MR 0056294 Zbl 0053.​30104 article

R. Bott: “Sym­met­ric solu­tions to ma­jor­ity games,” pp. 319–​323 in Con­tri­bu­tions to the the­ory of games, vol. 2. Edi­ted by H. W. Kuhn and A. W. Tuck­er. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 28. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1953. MR 0053475 Zbl 0050.​14405 incollection

R. Bott: “Nonde­gen­er­ate crit­ic­al man­i­folds,” Ann. Math. (2) 60 : 2 (September 1954), pp. 248–​261. MR 0064399 Zbl 0058.​09101 article

R. Bott and J. P. May­berry: “Matrices and trees,” pp. 391–​400 in Eco­nom­ic activ­ity ana­lys­is. Edi­ted by O. Mor­gen­stern. John Wiley (New York), 1954. MR 0067067 Zbl 0057.​12402 incollection

R. Bott: “On tor­sion in Lie groups,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 40 : 7 (1954), pp. 586–​588. MR 0062750 Zbl 0057.​02201 article

R. Bott: “On man­i­folds all of whose geodesics are closed,” Ann. Math. (2) 60 : 3 (November 1954), pp. 375–​382. MR 0073993 Zbl 0058.​15604 article

R. Bott and H. Samel­son: “The co­homo­logy ring of \( G/T \),” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 41 : 7 (July 1955), pp. 490–​493. MR 0071773 Zbl 0064.​25903 article

R. Bott: “On the it­er­a­tion of closed geodesics and the Sturm in­ter­sec­tion the­ory,” Com­mun. Pure Ap­pl. Math. 9 : 2 (May 1956), pp. 171–​206. MR 0090730 Zbl 0074.​17202 article

R. Bott: “An ap­plic­a­tion of the Morse the­ory to the to­po­logy of Lie-groups,” Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 84 (1956), pp. 251–​281. MR 0087035 Zbl 0073.​40001 article

R. Bott: “The stable ho­mo­topy of the clas­sic­al groups,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 43 : 10 (1957), pp. 933–​935. See also Ann. Math. 70:2 (1959). MR 0102802 Zbl 0093.​03401 article

R. Bott: “Ho­mo­gen­eous vec­tor bundles,” Ann. Math. (2) 66 : 2 (September 1957), pp. 203–​248. MR 0089473 Zbl 0094.​35701 article

R. Bott and H. Samel­son: “Ap­plic­a­tions of Morse the­ory to sym­met­ric spaces,” pp. 282–​284 in Sym­posi­um in­ter­nacion­al de to­po­lo­gía al­geb­ra­ica [In­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um on al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy] (Mex­ico City, 1956). Uni­ver­sid­ad Nacion­al Autónoma de México and UN­ESCO (Mex­ico City and Par­is), 1958. Zbl 0101.​39701 incollection

R. Bott, T. H. Hildebrandt, R. K. Ritt, E. H. Rothe, and H. Samel­son: “In me­mori­am Sum­ner B. My­ers 1910–1955,” Mich. Math. J. 5 : 1 (1958), pp. 1–​4. MR 0096571 Zbl 0082.​24316 article

R. Bott: “The space of loops on a Lie group,” Mich. Math. J. 5 : 1 (1958), pp. 35–​61. MR 0102803 Zbl 0096.​17701 article

R. Bott and J. W. Mil­nor: “On the par­al­lel­iz­ab­il­ity of the spheres,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 64 : 3 (1958), pp. 87–​89. MR 0102804 Zbl 0082.​16602 article

R. Bott: “In­duced rep­res­ent­a­tions,” pp. 88–​91 in Sem­inars on ana­lyt­ic func­tions (Prin­ceton, NJ, 2–14 Septem­ber 1957), vol. 2. In­sti­tute for Ad­vanced Study (Prin­ceton, NJ), 1958. Zbl 0116.​40303 incollection

R. Bott: “Quelques re­marques sur les théorèmes de péri­od­icité” [Some re­marks on peri­od­icity the­or­ems], Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 87 (1959), pp. 293–​310. In French. Also pub­lished in To­po­lo­gie al­gébrique et géométrie différen­ti­elle (1960). MR 0126281 Zbl 0124.​38203 article

R. Bott: “The stable ho­mo­topy of the clas­sic­al groups,” Ann. Math. (2) 70 : 2 (September 1959), pp. 313–​337. See also Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 43:10 (1957). MR 0110104 Zbl 0129.​15601 article

R. Bott: “On a the­or­em of Lef­schetz,” Mich. Math. J. 6 : 3 (1959), pp. 211–​216. MR 0215323 Zbl 0113.​36502 article

R. Bott: “A note on the Samel­son product in the clas­sic­al groups,” Com­ment. Math. Helv. 34 (1960), pp. 249–​256. MR 0123330 Zbl 0094.​01503 article

R. Bott: “Quelques re­marques sur les théorèmes de péri­od­icité” [Some re­marks on peri­od­icity the­or­ems], pp. 293–​310 in To­po­lo­gie al­gébrique et géométrie différen­ti­elle [Al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy and dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry] (1–6 June 1959, Lille). Col­loques In­ter­na­tionaux du CNRS 89. CNRS (Par­is), 1960. In French. Also pub­lished in Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 87 (1959). Zbl 0108.​35903 incollection

R. Bott: “An ap­plic­a­tion of the Morse the­ory to the to­po­logy of Lie groups,” pp. 423–​426 in Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians 1958 (Ed­in­burgh, 14–21 Au­gust 1958). Edi­ted by J. A. Todd. Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press, 1960. MR 0117746 Zbl 0116.​40204 incollection

R. Bott: “Vec­tor fields on spheres and al­lied prob­lems,” En­sei­gne­ment Math. (2) 7 (1961), pp. 125–​138. MR 0139179 Zbl 0105.​17201 article

R. Bott and H. Samel­son: “Ap­plic­a­tions of the the­ory of Morse to sym­met­ric spaces,” Am. J. Math. 80 : 4 (October 1961), pp. 964–​1029. Ded­ic­ated to Mar­ston Morse on his 65th birth­day. A cor­rec­tion was pub­lished in Am. J. Math. 83:1 (1961). MR 0105694 Zbl 0101.​39702 article

R. Bott: “A re­port on the unit­ary group,” pp. 1–​6 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry: Pro­ceed­ings of the third sym­posi­um in pure math­em­at­ics of the Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Tuc­son, AZ, 18–19 Feb­ru­ary 1960). Edi­ted by C. B. Al­lendo­er­fer. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 3. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1961. MR 0132553 Zbl 0117.​40301 incollection

R. Bott and H. Samel­son: “Cor­rec­tion to ‘Ap­plic­a­tions of the the­ory of Morse to sym­met­ric spaces’,” Am. J. Math. 83 : 1 (January 1961), pp. 207–​208. Cor­rec­tion to an art­icle pub­lished in Am. J. Math. 80:4 (1961). MR 0170351 article

M. Ber­ger and R. Bott: “Sur les var­iétés à cour­bure stricte­ment pos­it­ive” [On vari­et­ies of strictly pos­it­ive curvature], To­po­logy 1 : 4 (October–December 1962), pp. 301–​311. In French. MR 0146776 Zbl 0112.​13604 article

R. Bott: “A note on the \( KO \)-the­ory of sphere-bundles,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 68 : 4 (1962), pp. 395–​400. MR 0153019 Zbl 0115.​17301 article

R. Bott: Lec­tures on \( K(X) \). Math­em­at­ics Lec­ture Note Series. Har­vard Uni­versity (Cam­bridge, MA), 1963. With an ap­pendix on a spec­tral se­quence for \( K \)-the­ory by Emery Thomas, and an ap­pendix on the peri­od­icity the­or­em for vec­tor bundles by M. Atiyah and R. Bott. Re­pub­lished in 1969. book

M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott, and A. Sha­piro: “Clif­ford mod­ules,” To­po­logy 3 : Supplement 1 (July 1964), pp. 3–​38. MR 0167985 Zbl 0146.​19001 article

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “The in­dex prob­lem for man­i­folds with bound­ary,” pp. 175–​186 in Dif­fer­en­tial Ana­lys­is: Pa­pers presen­ted at the in­ter­na­tion­al col­loqui­um (Bom­bay, 7–14 Janu­ary 1964). Tata In­sti­tute of Fun­da­ment­al Re­search Stud­ies in Math­em­at­ics 2. Ox­ford Uni­versity Press (Lon­don), 1964. MR 0185606 Zbl 0163.​34603 incollection

M. Atiyah and R. Bott: “On the peri­od­icity the­or­em for com­plex vec­tor bundles,” Acta Math. 112 : 1 (1964), pp. 229–​247. MR 0178470 Zbl 0131.​38201 article

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: Notes on the Lef­schetz fixed point the­or­em for el­lipt­ic com­plexes. Har­vard Uni­versity (Cam­bridge, MA), 1964. Zbl 0161.​43101 book

R. Bott and S. S. Chern: “Her­mitian vec­tor bundles and the equidistri­bu­tion of the zer­oes of their holo­morph­ic sec­tions,” Acta Math. 114 : 1 (1965), pp. 71–​112. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Matem­atika 14:2 (1970). MR 0185607 Zbl 0148.​31906 article

R. Bott: “The in­dex the­or­em for ho­mo­gen­eous dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors,” pp. 167–​186 in Dif­fer­en­tial and com­bin­at­or­i­al to­po­logy: A sym­posi­um in hon­or of Mar­ston Morse (Prin­ceton, NJ, 1964). Edi­ted by S. S. Cairns. Prin­ceton Math­em­at­ic­al Series 27. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1965. MR 0182022 Zbl 0173.​26001 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 72 : 2 (1966), pp. 245–​250. MR 0190950 Zbl 0151.​31801 article

R. Bott: “A fixed point the­or­em for el­lipt­ic com­plexes,” pp. 6–​12 in Pro­ceed­ings of the United States-Ja­pan sem­in­ar in dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry (Kyoto, 14–19 June 1965). Nip­pon Hy­oron­sha (Tokyo), 1966. MR 0215318 Zbl 0149.​41202 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic com­plexes, I,” Ann. Math. (2) 86 : 2 (1967), pp. 374–​407. MR 0212836 Zbl 0161.​43201 article

R. Bott: “A residue for­mula for holo­morph­ic vec­tor-fields,” J. Dif­fer. Geom. 1 : 3–​4 (1967), pp. 311–​330. MR 0232405 Zbl 0179.​28801 article

R. Bott: “Vec­tor fields and char­ac­ter­ist­ic num­bers,” Michigan Math. J. 14 : 2 (1967), pp. 231–​244. Ded­ic­ated to R. L. Wilder on his sev­en­ti­eth birth­day. MR 0211416 Zbl 0145.​43801 article

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “A Lef­schetz fixed point for­mula for el­lipt­ic com­plexes, II: Ap­plic­a­tions,” Ann. Math. (2) 88 : 3 (November 1968), pp. 451–​491. MR 0232406 Zbl 0167.​21703 article

R. Bott and J. Math­er: “Top­ics in to­po­logy and dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry,” pp. 460–​515 in Bat­telle ren­contres: 1967 lec­tures in math­em­at­ics and phys­ics (Seattle, WA, 16 Ju­ly–31 Au­gust 1967). Edi­ted by C. M. DeWitt and J. A. Wheel­er. W. A. Ben­jamin (New York), 1968. Zbl 0177.​26001 incollection

R. Bott: Lec­tures on \( K(X) \). Math­em­at­ics Lec­ture Note Series. W. A. Ben­jamin (New York and Am­s­ter­dam), 1969. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of 1963 ori­gin­al. MR 0258020 Zbl 0194.​23904 book

M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, I,” Acta Math. 124 : 1 (July 1970), pp. 109–​189. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 26:2(158). MR 0470499 Zbl 0191.​11203 article

R. Bott and S. S. Chern: “Some for­mu­las re­lated to com­plex trans­gres­sion,” pp. 48–​57 in Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mé­m­oires dédiés à Georges de Rham [Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mem­oirs ded­ic­ated to Georges de Rham]. Edi­ted by A. Hae­fli­ger and R. Narasim­han. Spring­er (New York), 1970. MR 0264715 Zbl 0203.​54202 incollection

M. Atiyah and S. S. Chern: “Her­mitian vec­tor bundles and the equidistri­bu­tion of the zer­os of their holo­morph­ic sec­tions,” Matem­atika, Mosk­va 14 : 2 (1970), pp. 117–​154. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Acta Math. 114:1 (1965). Zbl 0208.​35101 article

P. F. Baum and R. Bott: “On the zer­oes of mero­morph­ic vec­tor-fields,” pp. 29–​47 in Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mémoires dédiés à Georges de Rham [Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mem­oirs ded­ic­ated to Georges de Rham] (Geneva, 26–28 March 1969). Edi­ted by A. Hae­fli­ger and R. Narasim­han. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1970. MR 261635 Zbl 0193.​52201 incollection

R. Bott: “On a to­po­lo­gic­al ob­struc­tion to in­teg­rabil­ity,” pp. 127–​131 in Glob­al ana­lys­is (Berke­ley, CA, 1–26 Ju­ly 1968). Edi­ted by S.-S. Chern and S. Smale. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 16. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1970. MR 0266248 Zbl 0206.​50501 incollection

R. Bott: “The peri­od­icity the­or­em for the clas­sic­al groups and some of its ap­plic­a­tions,” Adv. Math. 4 : 3 (June 1970), pp. 353–​411. MR 0259904 Zbl 0231.​55010 article

M. F. At’ja, R. Bott, and L. Gord­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, I,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 26 : 2(158) (1971), pp. 25–​100. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Acta Math. 124:1 (1970). MR 0606062 Zbl 0208.​13201 article

R. Bott: “On to­po­lo­gic­al ob­struc­tions to in­teg­rabil­ity,” pp. 27–​36 in Act­es du Con­grès In­ter­na­tion­al des Math­ématiciens [Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians] (Nice, 1970), vol. 1. Gau­th­i­er-Vil­lars (Par­is), 1971. MR 0425983 Zbl 0225.​57010 incollection

R. Bott: “Lec­tures on char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes and fo­li­ations,” pp. 1–​94 in Lec­tures on al­geb­ra­ic and dif­fer­en­tial to­po­logy (Mex­ico City, Ju­ly 1971). Edi­ted by S. Gitler. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 279. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1972. Second Lat­in Amer­ic­an School in Math­em­at­ics. Notes by Lawrence Con­lon, with two ap­pen­dices by J. Stasheff. MR 0362335 Zbl 0241.​57010 incollection

R. Bott: “On the Lef­schetz for­mula and exot­ic char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes,” pp. 95–​105 in Con­ve­gni del Mag­gio del 1971 e del Gen­naio del 1972 [Con­fer­ences of May 1971 and Janu­ary 1972] (Rome, 24–28 May 1971 and 10–13 Janu­ary 1972). Sym­po­sia Math­em­at­ica 10. Aca­dem­ic Press (Lon­don), 1972. MR 0362336 Zbl 0254.​57013 incollection

R. Bott and J. Heitsch: “A re­mark on the in­teg­ral co­homo­logy of \( B\Gamma_q \),” To­po­logy 11 : 2 (May 1972), pp. 141–​146. MR 0293661 Zbl 0236.​55015 article

R. Bott and A. Hae­fli­ger: “On char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes of \( \Gamma \)-fo­li­ations,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 78 : 6 (November 1972), pp. 1039–​1044. MR 307250 Zbl 0262.​57010 article

P. Baum and R. Bott: “Sin­gu­lar­it­ies of holo­morph­ic fo­li­ations,” J. Diff. Geom. 7 : 3–​4 (1972), pp. 279–​342. To S. S. Chern and D. C. Spen­cer on their 60th birth­days. MR 377923 Zbl 0268.​57011 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em,” Matem­atika, Mosk­va 17 : 6 (1973), pp. 3–​48. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in In­vent. Math. 19:4 (1973). Zbl 0364.​58016 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em,” In­vent. Math. 19 : 4 (1973), pp. 279–​330. Ded­ic­ated to Sir Wil­li­am Hodge on his 70th birth­day. Er­rata were pub­lished in In­vent. Math. 28:3 (1975). A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Matem­atika 17:6 (1973). MR 0650828 Zbl 0257.​58008 article

M. F. Atiyah, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, II,” Acta Math. 131 : 1 (December 1973), pp. 145–​206. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 39:3(237). MR 0470500 Zbl 0266.​35045 article

R. Bott: “On the Chern–Weil ho­mo­morph­ism and the con­tinu­ous co­homo­logy of Lie-groups,” Adv. Math. 11 : 3 (December 1973), pp. 289–​303. MR 0345115 Zbl 0276.​55011 article

M. Atiyah, R. Bott, and V. K. Pat­odi: “Er­rata to: ‘On the heat equa­tion and the in­dex the­or­em’,” In­vent. Math. 28 : 3 (1975), pp. 277–​280. Er­rata for art­icle in In­vent. Math. 19:4 (1973). MR 0650829 Zbl 0301.​58018 article

R. Bott: “On the Gel­fand–Fuks co­homo­logy,” pp. 357–​364 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry (Stan­ford, CA, 30 Ju­ly–17 Au­gust 1973), part 1. Edi­ted by S.-S. Chern and R. Os­ser­man. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 27. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1975. MR 0380820 Zbl 0324.​57013 incollection

R. Bott: “On the shape of a curve,” Adv. Math. 16 : 2 (May 1975), pp. 144–​159. Ded­ic­ated to Stan Ulam. Also pub­lished in Sur­veys in ap­plied math­em­at­ics: Es­says ded­ic­ated to Stan­islaw Ulam (1976). MR 0383392 Zbl 0308.​55011 article

R. Bott: “Some re­marks on con­tinu­ous co­homo­logy,” pp. 161–​170 in Man­i­folds-1973: Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on man­i­folds and re­lated top­ics in to­po­logy (Tokyo, 10–17 April 1973). Edi­ted by A. Hat­tori. Uni­versity of Tokyo Press, 1975. MR 0368027 Zbl 0306.​57013 incollection

R. Bott: “On the shape of a curve,” pp. 23–​38 in Sur­veys in ap­plied math­em­at­ics: Es­says ded­ic­ated to Stan­islaw Ulam (Los Alam­os, NM, 12–18 June 1974). Edi­ted by N. Poin­caré, S. Or­sz­ag, and G.-C. Rota. Aca­dem­ic Press (New York), 1976. Also pub­lished in Adv. Math. 16:2 (1975). MR 0645193 incollection

R. Bott, H. Shul­man, and J. Stasheff: “On the de Rham the­ory of cer­tain clas­si­fy­ing spaces,” Adv. Math. 20 : 1 (1976), pp. 43–​56. MR 0402769 Zbl 0342.​57016 article

R. Bott: “On char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes in the frame­work of Gel­fand–Fuks co­homo­logy,” pp. 113–​139 in Col­loque “ana­lyse et to­po­lo­gie” en l’hon­neur de Henri Cartan [Col­loqui­um on ana­lys­is and to­po­logy in hon­or of Henri Cartan] (Or­say, France, 17–20 June 1974). As­térisque 32–​33. So­ciété Math­ématique de France (Par­is), 1976. MR 0402768 Zbl 0328.​57005 incollection

R. Bott: “On the char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes of groups of dif­feo­morph­isms,” En­sei­gn. Math., II. Sér. 23 : 3–​4 (1977), pp. 209–​220. Presen­ted at the Col­loqui­um on To­po­logy and Al­gebra, Zürich, April 1977. MR 0488080 Zbl 0367.​57004 article

R. Bott and G. Segal: “The co­homo­logy of the vec­tor fields on a man­i­fold,” To­po­logy 16 : 4 (1977), pp. 285–​298. MR 0645730 Zbl 0387.​57012 article

R. Bott: “On some for­mu­las for the char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes of group-ac­tions,” pp. 25–​61 in Dif­fer­en­tial to­po­logy, fo­li­ations and Gel­fand–Fuks co­homo­logy (Rio de Janeiro, 5–24 Janu­ary 1976). Edi­ted by P. A. Sch­weitzer. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 652. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1978. With an ap­pendix by Robert Brooks. MR 505649 Zbl 0393.​57011 incollection

R. Bott and R. See­ley: “Some re­marks on the pa­per of Cal­li­as: ‘Axi­al an­om­alies and in­dex the­or­ems on open spaces’,” Com­mun. Math. Phys. 62 : 3 (1978), pp. 235–​245. MR 507781 Zbl 0409.​58019 article

R. Bott: “Some re­col­lec­tions from 30 years ago,” pp. 33–​39 in Con­struct­ive ap­proaches to math­em­at­ic­al mod­els: Pro­ceed­ings of a con­fer­ence in hon­or of R. J. Duffin (Pitt­s­burgh, PA, 10–14 Ju­ly 1978). Edi­ted by C. V. Coff­man and G. J. Fix. Aca­dem­ic Press (New York), 1979. MR 559485 Zbl 0467.​58012 incollection

R. Bott: “The geo­metry and rep­res­ent­a­tion the­ory of com­pact Lie groups,” pp. 65–​90 in Rep­res­ent­a­tion the­ory of Lie groups: Pro­ceed­ings of the SRC/LMS re­search sym­posi­um on rep­res­ent­a­tions of Lie groups (Ox­ford, 28 June–15 Ju­ly 1977). Edi­ted by G. L. Luke. Lon­don Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety Lec­ture Note Series 34. Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press, 1979. Notes by G. L. Luke. Zbl 0435.​22015 incollection

R. Bott: “Morse the­ory and the Yang–Mills equa­tions,” pp. 269–​275 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­met­ric­al meth­ods in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics (3–7 Septem­ber 1979, Aix-en-Provence, France and 10–14 Septem­ber 1979, Sala­manca, Spain). Edi­ted by P. L. Gar­cía, A. Pérez-Rendón, and J. M. Souriau. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 836. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1980. MR 607701 Zbl 0486.​58009 incollection

R. Bott: “An equivari­ant set­ting of the Morse the­ory,” En­sei­gn. Math., II. Sér. 26 : 3–​4 (1980), pp. 271–​278. Re­pub­lished as Mono­graph­ie de l’En­sei­gne­ment Math­ématique 30 (1982). MR 610527 Zbl 0481.​58015 article

R. Bott: “Equivari­ant Morse the­ory and the Yang–Mills equa­tion on Riemann sur­faces,” pp. 11–​22 in The Chern sym­posi­um, 1979: Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um on dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry in hon­or of S.-S. Chern (Berke­ley, CA, June 1979). Edi­ted by W.-Y. Hsiang, S. Kobay­ashi, I. M. Sing­er, A. Wein­stein, J. Wolf, and H.-H. Wu. Spring­er (New York), 1980. MR 609555 Zbl 0492.​58011 incollection

R. Bott: “Mar­ston Morse and his math­em­at­ic­al works,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 3 : 3 (November 1980), pp. 907–​950. MR 585177 Zbl 0469.​01012 article

R. Bott: “Morse the­or­et­ic as­pects of Yang–Mills the­ory,” pp. 7–​28 in Re­cent de­vel­op­ments in gauge the­or­ies. Edi­ted by G. ’t Hooft, C. Itzyk­son, A. Jaffe, H. Lehmann, P. Mit­ter, I. Sing­er, and R. Stora. NATO Ad­vanced Study In­sti­tutes Series 59. Plen­um Press (New York), 1980. incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “Yang–Mills and bundles over al­geb­ra­ic curves,” pp. 11–​20 in Geo­metry and ana­lys­is: Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to the memory of V. K. Pat­odi, published as Proc. In­di­an Acad. Sci., Math. Sci. 90 : 1. In­di­an Academy of Sci­ences (Ban­galore), 1981. MR 653942 Zbl 0499.​14005 incollection

R. Bott: “Lec­tures on Morse the­ory, old and new,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc., New Ser. 7 : 2 (September 1982), pp. 331–​358. Based on a pa­per in Pro­ceed­ings of the 1980 Beijing sym­posi­um on dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (1982). An ex­pan­ded and altered ver­sion of the pa­per in The math­em­at­ic­al her­it­age of Henri Poin­caré (1983). MR 663786 Zbl 0505.​58001 article

R. Bott and L. W. Tu: Dif­fer­en­tial forms in al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy. Gradu­ate Texts in Math­em­at­ics 82. Spring­er (New York), 1982. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished as Dif­fer­ent­si­al’nye formy v al­geb­raicheskoj to­po­lo­gii (1989). MR 658304 Zbl 0496.​55001 book

R. Bott: “Lec­tures on Morse the­ory, old and new,” pp. 169–​218 in Pro­ceed­ings of the 1980 Beijing sym­posi­um on dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (Beijing, 1980), vol. 1. Edi­ted by S. S. Chern and W.-T. Wu. Sci­ence Press (Beijing), 1982. See also Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 7:2 (1982) and The math­em­at­ic­al her­it­age of Henri Poin­caré (1983). MR 714336 Zbl 0521.​58019 incollection

R. Bott: “An equivari­ant set­ting of the Morse the­ory,” pp. 67–​74 in Lo­gic and al­gorithmic: An in­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um held in hon­our of Ernst Speck­er (Zürich, 5–11 Feb­ru­ary 1980). Edi­ted by E. Engel­er, H. Läuchli, and V. Strassen. Mono­graph­ie de l’En­sei­gne­ment Math­ématique 30. Uni­versity of Geneva, 1982. Ori­gin­ally pub­lished in En­sei­gn. Math., II. Sér. 26:3–4 (1980). MR 648296 Zbl 0483.​57019 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “The Yang–Mills equa­tions over Riemann sur­faces,” Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., A 308 : 1505 (1983), pp. 523–​615. MR 702806 Zbl 0509.​14014 article

R. Bott: “Lec­tures on Morse the­ory, old and new,” pp. 3–​30 in The math­em­at­ic­al her­it­age of Henri Poin­caré (Bloom­ing­ton, IN, 7–10 April 1980), part 2. Edi­ted by F. E. Browder. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 39. 1983. An ex­pan­ded and altered ver­sion of this lec­ture ap­peared in Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 7:2 (1982). See also the pa­per in Pro­ceed­ings of the 1980 Beijing sym­posi­um on dif­fer­en­tial geo­metry and dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (1982). Zbl 0525.​58011 incollection

M. F. Atiyah and R. Bott: “The mo­ment map and equivari­ant co­homo­logy,” To­po­logy 23 : 1 (1984), pp. 1–​28. MR 721448 Zbl 0521.​58025 article

M. F. At’ya, R. Bott, and L. Gård­ing: “La­cunas for hy­per­bol­ic dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors with con­stant coef­fi­cients, II,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 39 : 3(237) (1984), pp. 171–​224. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Acta Math. 131:1 (1973). MR 747794 Zbl 0568.​35058 article

R. Bott: “On to­po­logy and oth­er things,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 32 : 2 (1985), pp. 152–​158. MR 779225 article

R. Bott: “On some re­cent in­ter­ac­tions between math­em­at­ics and phys­ics,” Can. Math. Bull. 28 : 2 (1985), pp. 129–​164. Jef­frey Wil­li­ams lec­ture de­livered at Ca­na­dian Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety meet­ing, Van­couver, 2 June 1983. MR 782770 Zbl 0569.​58019 article

R. Bott: “Some as­pects of ho­mo­topy and de Rham the­ory,” pp. 1–​38 in Phys­ics in high­er di­men­sions (Jer­u­s­alem, 27 Decem­ber 1984–4 Janu­ary 1985). Edi­ted by T. Pir­an and S. Wein­berg. Jer­u­s­alem Winter School for The­or­et­ic­al Phys­ics 2. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 1986. MR 875029 incollection

R. Bott: “On char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes and con­tinu­ous co­homo­logy,” pp. 29–​40 in Su­per­sym­metry and its ap­plic­a­tions: Su­per­strings, an­om­alies and su­per­grav­ity (Cam­bridge, UK, 23 June–14 Ju­ly 1985). Edi­ted by G. W. Gib­bons, S. W. Hawk­ing, and P. K. Town­send. Cam­bridge Uni­versity Press, 1986. MR 862800 Zbl 0609.​57011 incollection

R. Bott: “On the fixed point for­mula and the ri­gid­ity the­or­ems of Wit­ten lec­tures at Car­gèse 1987,” pp. 13–​32 in Non­per­turb­at­ive quantum field the­ory (Car­gèse, Cor­sica, 16–30 Ju­ly 1987). Edi­ted by G. ’t Hooft, A. Jaffe, G. Mack, P. K. Mit­ter, and R. Stora. NATO Ad­vanced Sci­ence In­sti­tutes Series B: Phys­ics 185. Plen­um (New York), 1988. MR 1008274 incollection

R. Bott: “Morse the­ory in­dom­it­able,” Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 68 (1988), pp. 99–​114. Ded­ic­ated to René Thom. MR 1001450 Zbl 0685.​58009 article

R. Bott: “On in­duced rep­res­ent­a­tions,” pp. 1–​13 in The math­em­at­ic­al her­it­age of Her­mann Weyl (Durham, NC, 12–16 May 1987). Edi­ted by R. O. Wells, Jr. Pro­ceed­ings of Sym­po­sia in Pure Math­em­at­ics 48. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1988. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Usp. Mat. Nauk 45:3(273) (1990). MR 974328 Zbl 0657.​22020 incollection

R. H. Bott: The to­po­lo­gic­al con­straints on ana­lys­is, 1989. 60 minute video­cas­sette. AMS-MAA Joint Lec­ture Series. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI). Gleason in­tro­duces Bott. Re­cor­ded in Provid­ence, RI, 9 Au­gust 1988. MR 1057176 Zbl 0925.​01018 misc

R. Bott and C. Taubes: “On the ri­gid­ity the­or­ems of Wit­ten,” J. Am. Math. Soc. 2 : 1 (1989), pp. 137–​186. MR 954493 Zbl 0667.​57009 article

R. Bott and L. V. Tu: Dif­fer­ent­si­al’nye formy v al­geb­raicheskoj to­po­lo­gii [Dif­fer­en­tial forms in al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy]. Nauka (Mo­scow), 1989. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of Dif­fer­en­tial forms in al­geb­ra­ic to­po­logy (1982). MR 1085026 Zbl 0675.​55002 book

R. Bott: “The to­po­lo­gic­al con­straints on ana­lys­is,” pp. 527–​542 in A cen­tury of math­em­at­ics in Amer­ica, part II. Edi­ted by P. L. Duren, R. As­key, and U. C. Merzbach. His­tory of Math­em­at­ics 2. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1989. MR 1003154 Zbl 0666.​01012 incollection

R. Bott: “On in­duced rep­res­ent­a­tions,” Usp. Mat. Nauk 45 : 3(273) (1990), pp. 85–​96. Rus­si­an trans­la­tion of an art­icle in Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 48 (1988). MR 1071935 Zbl 0714.​22014 article

R. Bott: “Georges de Rham: 1901–1990,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 38 : 2 (1991), pp. 114–​115. MR 1090924 Zbl 1194.​01069 article

R. Bott: “Stable bundles re­vis­ited,” pp. 1–​18 in Pro­ceed­ings of the con­fer­ence on geo­metry and to­po­logy (Cam­bridge, MA, 27–29 April 1990). Edi­ted by H. B. Lawson, Jr. and S.-T. Yau. Sur­veys in Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry 1. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Som­merville, MA), 1991. Con­fer­ence sponsored by Le­high Uni­versity. MR 1144525 Zbl 0757.​32013 incollection

R. Bott: “On E. Ver­linde’s for­mula in the con­text of stable bundles,” pp. 2847–​2858 in To­po­lo­gic­al meth­ods in quantum field the­ory (Trieste, Italy, 11–15 June 1990), published as Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 6 : 16. Issue edi­ted by W. Nahm, S. Rand­jbar-Daemi, E. Sez­gin, and E. Wit­ten. 1991. MR 1117752 Zbl 0820.​14024 incollection

R. Bott: “For the Chern volume,” pp. 106–​108 in S. S. Chern: A great geo­met­er of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury (Los Angeles, 1990). Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Cam­bridge, MA), 1992. MR 1201350 incollection

R. Bott: “On knot and man­i­fold in­vari­ants,” pp. 37–​52 in New sym­metry prin­ciples in quantum field the­ory (Car­gèse, Cor­sica, 16–27 Ju­ly 1991). Edi­ted by J. Fröh­lich, G. ’t Hooft, A. Jaffe, G. Mack, P. K. Mit­ter, and R. Stora. NATO Ad­vanced Sci­ence In­sti­tutes Series B: Phys­ics 295. Plen­um (New York), 1992. MR 1204451 Zbl 1221.​57002 incollection

R. Bott: “To­po­lo­gic­al as­pects of loop groups,” pp. 65–​80 in To­po­lo­gic­al quantum field the­or­ies and geo­metry of loop spaces (Bud­apest, 25 June–1 Ju­ly 1989). Edi­ted by L. Fe­hér, A. Stip­sicz, and J. Szenthe. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 1992. MR 1260751 incollection

R. Bott: “Re­flec­tions on the theme of the poster,” pp. 125–​135 in To­po­lo­gic­al meth­ods in mod­ern math­em­at­ics: A sym­posi­um in hon­or of John Mil­nor’s six­tieth birth­day (Stony Brook, NY, 14–21 June 1991). Edi­ted by L. R. Gold­berg and A. V. Phil­lips. Pub­lish or Per­ish (Hou­s­ton, TX), 1993. MR 1215962 Zbl 0817.​57003 incollection

R. Bott: “Lunch­eon talk and nom­in­a­tion for Steph­en Smale,” pp. 67–​72 in From to­po­logy to com­pu­ta­tion: Pro­ceed­ings of the Smal­efest (Berke­ley, CA, 5–9 Au­gust 1990). Edi­ted by M. W. Hirsch, J. E. Marsden, and M. Shub. Spring­er (New York), 1993. MR 1246108 Zbl 0795.​01016 incollection

M. Atiyah: “Con­tri­bu­tion to the col­lec­ted works of Raoul Bott,” pp. xxix–​xxx in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 2: Dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1994. MR 1290365 incollection

R. Bott: “The Di­oszeger years (1923–1939),” pp. 11–​26 in Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 1: To­po­logy and Lie groups. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1280034 incollection

S. Smale: “Some early re­col­lec­tion of Raoul Bott,” pp. i–​xii in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 1: To­po­logy and Lie groups. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1994. MR 1280037 incollection

R. Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 1: To­po­logy and Lie groups. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1280032 Zbl 0820.​01026 book

R. Bott: “Auto­bi­o­graph­ic­al sketch,” pp. 3–​9 in Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 1: To­po­logy and Lie groups. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1280033 incollection

R. Bott: “Com­ments on the pa­pers in Volume 1,” pp. 27–​35 in Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 1: To­po­logy and Lie groups. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1280035 incollection

R. Bott and C. Taubes: “On the self-link­ing of knots,” pp. 5247–​5287 in To­po­logy and phys­ics, published as J. Math. Phys. 35 : 10 (1994). MR 1295465 Zbl 0863.​57004 incollection

R. Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 2: Dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1290361 Zbl 0807.​01033 book

E. Get­z­ler: “The Atiyah–Bott fixed point for­mula,” pp. xxxi–​xxxiii in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 2: Dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1994. MR 1290366 incollection

R. Bott: “Com­ments on some of the pa­pers in Volume 2,” pp. xvii–​xxii in Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 2: Dif­fer­en­tial op­er­at­ors. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1994. MR 1290363 incollection

Cur­rent de­vel­op­ments in math­em­at­ics, 1995 (Bo­ston, MA, 7–8 May 1995). Edi­ted by R. Bott, A. Jaffe, S.-T. Yau, M. Hop­kins, I. Sing­er, and D. Stroock. Cur­rent De­vel­op­ments in Math­em­at­ics. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Cam­bridge, MA), 1995. MR 1474976 Zbl 0833.​00016 book

C. Taubes: “Ap­pre­ci­ation for Raoul Bott and his math­em­at­ics/phys­ics ca­reer,” pp. xv–​xvii in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 4: Math­em­at­ics re­lated to phys­ics. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1995. MR 1321891 incollection

R. Bott: “Re­port on the fixed point for­mula,” pp. 265–​270 in Sémin­aire Bourbaki 9 (1964–1966). So­ciété Math­ématique de France (Par­is), 1995. Ex­posé no. 295. MR 1608803 incollection

Raoul Bott,” pp. 229–​230 in Not­able twen­ti­eth cen­tury sci­ent­ists, vol. 1. Edi­ted by E. J. MacMur­ray, J. K. Kosek, and R. M. Valade. Gale Re­search (New York), 1995. incollection

A. Hae­fli­ger: “Raoul Bott and fo­li­ation the­ory in the 1970s,” pp. xxvii–​xxxi in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 3: Fo­li­ations. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1995. MR 1321889 incollection

P. Baum: “Work­ing with Bott (rock­ing and rolling with Raoul),” pp. xxii–​xxiii in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 3: Fo­li­ations. Edi­ted by R. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1995. MR 1321887 incollection

R. Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 3: Fo­li­ations. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1995. MR 1321886 book

L. Con­lon: “Raoul Bott, fo­li­ations, and char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes. An ap­pre­ci­ation,” pp. xxiv–​xvi in Raoul Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 3: Fo­li­ations. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1995. MR 1321888 incollection

R. Bott: “On in­vari­ants of man­i­folds,” pp. 29–​39 in Mod­ern meth­ods in com­plex ana­lys­is (Prin­ceton, NJ, 16–20 March 1992). Edi­ted by T. Bloom, D. Cat­lin, J. P. D’An­gelo, and Y.-T. Siu. An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 137. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1995. Con­fer­ence in hon­or of Robert Clif­ford Gun­ning and John Joseph Kohn. MR 1369132 Zbl 0846.​57016 incollection

R. Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 4: Math­em­at­ics re­lated to phys­ics. Edi­ted by R. D. MacPh­er­son. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston, MA), 1995. MR 1321890 Zbl 0823.​01011 book

R. Bott: “Con­fig­ur­a­tion spaces and im­bed­ding in­vari­ants,” pp. 1–​17 in Pro­ceed­ings of the 4th Gökova geo­metry-to­po­logy con­fer­ence (Gökova, Tur­key, 29 May–2 June 1995), published as Turk­ish J. Math. 20 : 1. Issue edi­ted by S. Ak­bu­lut, T. Önder, and R. J. Stern. 1996. MR 1392659 Zbl 0880.​57002 incollection

Cur­rent de­vel­op­ments in math­em­at­ics 1996 (Cam­bridge, MA, 1996). Edi­ted by R. Bott, A. Jaffe, D. Jer­is­on, G. Lusztig, I. Sing­er, and S.-T. Yau. Cur­rent De­vel­op­ments in Math­em­at­ics. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Cam­bridge, MA), 1997. MR 1724942 Zbl 0899.​00015 book

R. Bott: “Crit­ic­al point the­ory in math­em­at­ics and in math­em­at­ic­al phys­ics,” pp. 9–​40 in Pro­ceed­ings of the 5th Gökova geo­metry-to­po­logy con­fer­ence (Gökova, Tur­key, 27–31 May 1996), published as Turk. J. Math. 21 : 1. Issue edi­ted by S. Ak­bu­lut, T. Önder, and R. J. Stern. 1997. MR 1456156 Zbl 0889.​58021 incollection

R. Bott: “Con­fig­ur­a­tion spaces and im­bed­ding prob­lems,” pp. 135–​140 in Geo­metry and phys­ics (Aar­hus, Den­mark, 1995). Edi­ted by J. E. An­der­sen, J. Dupont, H. Ped­er­sen, and A. Swann. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics 184. Dek­ker (New York), 1997. MR 1423159 Zbl 0874.​57006 incollection

R. Bott and A. S. Cat­taneo: “In­teg­ral in­vari­ants of 3-man­i­folds,” J. Dif­fer. Geom. 48 : 1 (1998), pp. 91–​133. MR 1622602 Zbl 0953.​57008 article

R. Bott, C. Earle, D. Hejhal, J. Jen­kins, T. Jor­gensen, A. Marden, and R. Os­ser­man: “Lars Va­leri­an Ahlfors (1907–1996),” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 45 : 2 (1998), pp. 248–​255. Ed­ited and with an in­tro­duc­tion by Steven G. Krantz. MR 1601820 Zbl 0908.​01015 article

Cur­rent de­vel­op­ments in math­em­at­ics 1997 (Cam­bridge, MA, 1997). Edi­ted by R. Bott, A. Jaffe, S.-T. Yau, D. Jer­is­on, G. Lusztig, and I. Sing­er. Cur­rent De­vel­op­ments in Math­em­at­ics. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Bo­ston), 1999. A pre­lim­in­ary ver­sion was pub­lished in 1997. MR 1698851 Zbl 0927.​00019 book

R. Bott: “A let­ter from Raoul Bott,” Asi­an J. Math. 3 : 1 (1999), pp. xli–​xlii. Zbl 0958.​01020 article

R. Bott and A. S. Cat­taneo: “In­teg­ral in­vari­ants of 3-man­i­folds, II,” J. Dif­fer. Geom. 53 : 1 (1999), pp. 1–​13. MR 1776090 Zbl 1036.​57500 article

R. Bott: “An in­tro­duc­tion to equivari­ant co­homo­logy,” pp. 35–​56 in Quantum field the­ory: Per­spect­ive and pro­spect­ive (Les Houches, France, 15–26 June 1998). Edi­ted by C. DeWitt-Mor­ette and J.-B. Zuber. NATO Sci­ence Series C: Math­em­at­ic­al and Phys­ic­al Sci­ences 530. Kluwer Aca­dem­ic (Dordrecht), 1999. MR 1725010 Zbl 0970.​55003 incollection

R. Bott and L. W. Tu: “Equivari­ant char­ac­ter­ist­ic classes in the Cartan mod­el,” pp. 3–​20 in Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on geo­metry, ana­lys­is and ap­plic­a­tions (Varanasi, In­dia, 21–24 Au­gust 2000). Edi­ted by R. S. Path­ak. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 2001. Ded­ic­ated to the memory of V. K. Pat­odi. MR 1850463 Zbl 1016.​53024 incollection

R. Bott and C. Taubes: “A re­mark on in­teg­ral geo­metry,” pp. 59–​83 in Es­says on geo­metry and re­lated top­ics: Mé­m­oires dédiés à An­dré Hae­fli­ger [Es­says on geo­metry and re­lated top­ics: Mem­oirs ded­ic­ated to An­dré Hae­fli­ger], vol. 1. Edi­ted by É. Ghys. Mono­graph­ie de l’En­sei­gne­ment Math­ématique 38. Uni­versity of Geneva, 2001. MR 1929322 Zbl 1021.​53049 incollection

A. Jack­son: “In­ter­view with Raoul Bott,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 48 : 4 (2001), pp. 374–​382. The ed­ited text of two in­ter­views with Raoul Bott con­duc­ted in Oc­to­ber 2000. Re­pub­lished in The founders of in­dex the­ory (2003). MR 1816297 Zbl 1047.​01523 article

The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. Re­pub­lished in 2009. MR 2136846 Zbl 1072.​01021 book

N. Hing­ston: “The beau­ti­ful vis­ion of Raoul Bott” in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

A. Jack­son: “In­ter­view with Raoul Bott,” pp. 101–​114 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. The ed­ited text of two in­ter­views with Raoul Bott con­duc­ted in Oc­to­ber 2000. Re­pub­lished from No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 48:4 (2001). incollection

L. W. Tu: “Re­min­is­cences of work­ing with Raoul Bott” in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

E. Wit­ten: “Les­sons from Raoul Bott” in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

P. Landweber: “Some re­min­is­cences about Raoul Bott,” pp. 155–​160 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

L. W. Tu: “The life and works of Raoul Bott,” pp. 115–​148 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. An up­dated re­print was pub­lished in No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 53:5 (2006). incollection

R. Forman: “Les­sons from gradu­ate school,” pp. 113–​118 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

Raoul Bott: Cur­riculum vita,” pp. 3–​14 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. incollection

R. Bott, S. Tol­man, and J. Weits­man: “Sur­jectiv­ity for Hamilto­ni­an loop group spaces,” In­vent. Math. 155 : 2 (2004), pp. 225–​251. MR 2031427 Zbl 1067.​53067 article

R. Bott: “In­tro­duc­tion,” pp. vii–​xi in Woods Hole math­em­at­ics: Per­spect­ives in math­em­at­ics and phys­ics (Woods Hole, MA). Edi­ted by N. Ton­gring and R. C. Pen­ner. Series on Knots and Everything 34. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 2004. MR 2123365 incollection

J. Pearce: “Raoul Bott, an in­nov­at­or in math­em­at­ics, dies at 82,” The New York Times (8 January 2006). article

L. W. Tu: “The life and works of Raoul Bott,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 53 : 5 (2006), pp. 554–​570. Up­dated re­print of an art­icle pub­lished in The founders of in­dex the­ory (2003). MR 2254401 Zbl 1142.​01352 article

M. Atiyah: “Raoul Harry Bott: 24 Septem­ber 1923–20 Decem­ber 2005,” Bio­gr. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 53 (December 2007), pp. 63–​76. Re­pub­lished in Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42:1 (2010). article

The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of and about Sir Mi­chael Atiyah, Raoul Bott, Friedrich Hirzebruch, and I. M. Sing­er, 2nd edition. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2009. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of 2003 ori­gin­al. MR 2547480 Zbl 1195.​01090 book

M. Atiyah: “Memor­ies of Raoul Bott,” pp. 89–​94 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2009. incollection

R. Bott: “Memor­ies of Dad,” pp. 83–​88 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2009. incollection

For Raoul,” pp. 95–​100 in The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2009. Au­thored an­onym­ously by “a friend of Raoul”. incollection

M. Atiyah: “Work­ing with Raoul Bott: From geo­metry to phys­ics,” pp. 51–​61 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648885 Zbl 1195.​01022 incollection

M. Atiyah: “Ob­it­u­ary: Raoul Harry Bott, FRS, 1923–2005,” Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42 : 1 (2010), pp. 170–​180. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of an art­icle in Bio­gr. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 53 (2007). MR 2586977 Zbl 1181.​01039 article

P. D. Lax, F. Hirzebruch, B. Mazur, L. Con­lon, E. B. Curtis, H. M. Ed­wards, J. Huebschmann, and H. Shul­man: “Raoul Bott as we knew him,” pp. 43–​49 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Montreal, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648884 Zbl 1195.​01029 incollection

A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2640503 Zbl 1186.​00040 book

J. Lam­bek: “Raoul Bott, Mc­Gill, the 1940s,” pp. 13–​15 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648902 Zbl 1195.​01069 incollection

J. A. Bernhard, N. Hing­ston, J. Stasheff, and V. Guille­min: “Raoul Bott as we knew him,” pp. 153–​159 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648893 Zbl 1195.​01023 incollection

P. R. Ko­ti­uga: “Iron rings, doc­tor hon­oris causa Raoul Bott, Carl Herz, and a hid­den hand,” pp. 17–​32 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648882 Zbl 1195.​01028 incollection

J. H. Hub­bard: “The Bott–Duffin syn­thes­is of elec­tric­al cir­cuits,” pp. 33–​40 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648883 Zbl 1201.​94146 incollection

C. Bott: “My par­ents’ Mon­tréal years and grow­ing up with Raoul as my fath­er,” pp. 9–​11 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648881 Zbl 1195.​01024 incollection

S. Lu: “A phys­ics col­loqui­um at Mc­Gill that changed my life,” pp. 279 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2640504 Zbl 1195.​01031 incollection

C. Vafa: “Raoul Bott as my math teach­er,” pp. 277–​278 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Mon­tréal, QC, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648904 Zbl 1195.​01087 incollection

R. Bott: Col­lec­ted pa­pers, vol. 5. Edi­ted by E. by L. W. Tu. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­aticians. Spring­er/Birkhäuser, Cham (Ber­lin), 2017. MR 3848672 book