Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew Mattei Gleason

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Works connected to Barry C. Mazur

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A. M. Gleason, A. Jaffe, B. Mazur, R. H. Her­man, C. H. Clem­ens, J. Kollár, K. Gawędzki, C. Soulé, and M. Sipser: “ICM-90,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 37 : 9 (1990), pp. 1209–​1216. Re­port on the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians held in Kyoto, 21–29 Au­gust 1990. MR 1076560 Zbl 1194.​01041 article

B. Mazur, B. Gross, and D. Mum­ford: “An­drew Gleason, 4 Novem­ber 1921–17 Oc­to­ber 2008,” Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 154 : 4 (December 2010), pp. 471–​476. A slightly ex­pan­ded ver­sion of the ob­it­u­ary pub­lished in the Har­vard Uni­versity Gaz­ette (1 April 2010). article