Celebratio Mathematica

Dusa McDuff

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Works connected to Leonid V. Polterovich

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D. Mc­Duff and L. Pol­ter­ovich: “Sym­plect­ic pack­ings and al­geb­ra­ic geo­metry,” In­vent. Math. 115 : 1 (1994), pp. 405–​429. With an ap­pendix by Yael Kars­hon. MR 1262938 Zbl 0833.​53028 article

F. Lalonde, D. Mc­Duff, and L. Pol­ter­ovich: “On the flux con­jec­tures,” pp. 69–​85 in Geo­metry, to­po­logy, and dy­nam­ics (Montreal, 26–30 June 1995). Edi­ted by F. Lalonde. CRM Pro­ceed­ings Lec­ture Notes 15. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1998. MR 1619124 Zbl 0974.​53062 ArXiv dg-​ga/​9706015 incollection

F. Lalonde, D. Mc­Duff, and L. Pol­ter­ovich: “To­po­lo­gic­al ri­gid­ity of Hamilto­ni­an loops and quantum ho­mo­logy,” In­vent. Math. 135 : 2 (1999), pp. 369–​385. MR 1666763 Zbl 0907.​58004 article

L. Pol­ter­ovich: “Fo­cus on the sci­ent­ist: Dusa Mc­Duff,” MSRI Emis­sary (Spring 2010), pp. 3. article