Celebratio Mathematica

Emmy Noether

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Works connected to Werner Schmeidler

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E. No­eth­er and W. Schmeidler: “Mod­uln in nichtkom­mut­at­iven Bereichen, ins­beson­dere aus Dif­fer­en­tial- und Dif­fer­en­zenaus­drück­en” [Mod­ules in non-com­mut­at­ive do­mains, es­pe­cially those com­posed of dif­fer­en­tial and dif­fer­ence ex­pres­sions], Math. Z. 1 : 1 (1918), pp. 1–​35. MR 1544274 article

E. No­eth­er and W. Schmeidler: “Mod­uln in nichtkom­mut­at­iven Bereichen, ins­beson­dere aus Dif­fer­en­tial- und Dif­fer­en­zenaus­drück­en” [Mod­ules in non-com­mut­at­ive do­mains, es­pe­cially those com­posed of dif­fer­en­tial and dif­fer­ence ex­pres­sions], Math. Z. 8 : 1–​2 (1920), pp. 1–​35. MR 1544424 JFM 47.​0097.​03 article