Celebratio Mathematica

Murray Rosenblatt

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Works connected to Ulf Grenander

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U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “On spec­tral ana­lys­is of sta­tion­ary time series,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 38 : 6 (June 1952), pp. 519–​521. MR 48737 Zbl 0047.​12503 article

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “Stat­ist­ic­al spec­tral ana­lys­is of time series arising from sta­tion­ary stochast­ic pro­cesses,” Ann. Math. Stat. 24 : 4 (December 1953), pp. 537–​558. MR 58901 Zbl 0053.​41005 article

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “Com­ments on stat­ist­ic­al spec­tral ana­lys­is,” Skand. Ak­tu­ar­iet­id­skr. 36 : Suppl. 1 (1953), pp. 182–​202. MR 60796 Zbl 0053.​41101 article

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “An ex­ten­sion of a the­or­em of G. Szegő and its ap­plic­a­tion to the study of stochast­ic pro­cesses,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 76 : 1 (January 1954), pp. 112–​126. MR 58902 Zbl 0059.​11804 article

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “Re­gres­sion ana­lys­is of time series with sta­tion­ary re­sid­uals,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 40 : 9 (September 1954), pp. 812–​816. MR 62403 Zbl 0059.​13404 article

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: “Some prob­lems in es­tim­at­ing the spec­trum of a time series,” pp. 77–​93 in Pro­ceed­ings of the third Berke­ley sym­posi­um on math­em­at­ic­al stat­ist­ics and prob­ab­il­ity (Berke­ley, CA, 26–31 Decem­ber 1954 and Ju­ly–Au­gust 1955), vol. 1: Con­tri­bu­tions to the the­ory of stat­ist­ics. Edi­ted by J. Ny­man. Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia Press (Berke­ley and Los Angeles, CA), 1956. MR 84914 Zbl 0072.​36401 incollection

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: Stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is of sta­tion­ary time series. Wiley Pub­lic­a­tions in Math­em­at­ic­al Stat­ist­ics. Alm­qv­ist & Wiksell (Stock­holm), 1957. A 2nd, cor­rec­ted edi­tion was pub­lished in 1984, then re­pub­lished in 2008. MR 84975 Zbl 0080.​12904 book

M. Rosen­blatt: “Stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is of stochast­ic pro­cesses with sta­tion­ary re­sid­uals,” pp. 246–​275 in Prob­ab­il­ity and stat­ist­ics: The Har­ald Cramér volume. Edi­ted by U. Gren­ander. Wiley Pub­lic­a­tions in Stat­ist­ics. Alm­qv­ist & Wiksell (Stock­holm), 1959. MR 107954 Zbl 0201.​51701 incollection

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: Stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is of sta­tion­ary time series, 2nd, cor­rec­ted edition. Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Com­pany (New York), 1984. 2nd, cor­rec­ted edi­tion of 1957 ori­gin­al. Re­pub­lished in 2008. MR 890514 Zbl 0575.​62080 book

U. Gren­ander and M. Rosen­blatt: Stat­ist­ic­al ana­lys­is of sta­tion­ary time series, 2nd, re­pub­lished edition. AMS Chelsea Pub­lish­ing Series 320. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2008. Zbl 0902.​62115 book