Celebratio Mathematica

Murray Rosenblatt

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Edward James Hannan

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M. Rosen­blatt: “Para­met­er es­tim­a­tion for fi­nite-para­met­er sta­tion­ary ran­dom fields,” pp. 311–​318 in Es­says in time series and al­lied pro­cesses: Pa­pers in hon­our of E. J. Han­nan, published as J. Ap­pl. Probab. 23A. Issue edi­ted by J. Gani and M. B. Priestley. Ap­plied Prob­ab­il­ity Trust (Shef­field, UK), 1986. MR 803180 Zbl 0606.​62105 incollection

M. Rosen­blatt: “The like­li­hood of an autore­gress­ive scheme,” pp. 352–​362 in Athens con­fer­ence on ap­plied prob­ab­il­ity and time series ana­lys­is (Athens, GA, 22–26 March 1995), vol. 2: Time series ana­lys­is. Edi­ted by P. M. Robin­son and M. Rosen­blatt. Lec­ture Notes in Stat­ist­ics 115. Spring­er (New York), 1996. Volume in memory of E. J. Han­nan. MR 1466758 incollection