Celebratio Mathematica

Murray Rosenblatt

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Works connected to K. N. Helland

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K. N. Hel­land, K. S. Lii, and M. Rosen­blatt: “Bis­pec­tra of at­mo­spher­ic and wind tun­nel tur­bu­lence,” pp. 223–​248 in Ap­plic­a­tion of Stat­ist­ics (Dayton, OH, 14–20 June 1976). Edi­ted by P. R. Krish­nai­ah. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1977. incollection

K. N. Hel­land and M. Rosen­blatt: “Spec­tral vari­ance es­tim­a­tion and the ana­lys­is of tur­bu­lence,” Phys. Flu­ids 22 : 5 (May 1979), pp. 819–​823. article

K. N. Hel­land, K. S. Lii, and M. Rosen­blatt: “Bis­pec­tra and en­ergy trans­fer in grid-gen­er­ated tur­bu­lence,” Chapter 3, pp. 123–​155 in De­vel­op­ments in stat­ist­ics, vol. 2. Edi­ted by P. R. Krish­nai­ah. De­vel­op­ments in stat­ist­ics. Aca­dem­ic Press (New York), 1979. MR 554179 Zbl 0478.​76060 incollection

K. S. Lii, K. N. Hel­land, and M. Rosen­blatt: “Es­tim­at­ing three-di­men­sion­al en­ergy trans­fer in iso­trop­ic tur­bu­lence,” J. Time Ser. Anal. 3 : 1 (1982), pp. 1–​28. MR 660393 Zbl 0501.​76044 article

K. Hel­land, K. S. Lii, and M. Rosen­blatt: “Monte Carlo and tur­bu­lence,” pp. 405–​418 in Non­para­met­ric func­tion­al es­tim­a­tion and re­lated top­ics (Spetses, Greece, 29 Ju­ly–10 Au­gust 1990). Edi­ted by G. Rous­sas. NATO ASI Series. Series C. Math­em­at­ics and Phys­ic­al Sci­ences 335. Kluwer Aca­dem­ic (Dordrecht, The Neth­er­lands), 1991. MR 1154342 Zbl 0737.​76035 incollection