Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Jerzy Neyman
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Some problems in estimating the spectrum of a time series,” pp. 77–93 in Proceedings of the third Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, 26–31 December 1954 and July–August 1955), vol. 1: Contributions to the theory of statistics. Edited by J. Nyman. University of California Press (Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA), 1956. MR 84914 Zbl 0072.36401 incollection
: “Some regression problems in time series analysis,” pp. 165–186 in Proceedings of the third Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, 26–31 December 1954 and July–August 1955), vol. 1: Contributions to the theory of statistics. Edited by J. Neyman. University of California Press (Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA), 1956. MR 84920 Zbl 0071.35602 incollection
: “Independence and dependence,” pp. 431–443 in Proceedings of the fourth Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, 20–30 July 1960), vol. 2. Edited by J. Neyman. University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1961. MR 133863 Zbl 0105.11802 incollection
: “Transition probability operators,” pp. 473–483 in Proceedings of the fifth Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, 21 June–18 July 1965 and 27 December 1965–7 January 1966), vol. 2: Contributions to probability theory, part 2. Edited by L. M. Le Cam and J. Neyman. University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1967. MR 212877 Zbl 0222.60042 incollection
: “Central limit theorem for stationary processes,” pp. 551–561 in Proceedings of the sixth Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, 21 June–18 July 1970), vol. 2: Probability theory. Edited by L. M. Le Cam, J. Neyman, and E. L. Scott. University of California (Berkeley), 1972. MR 402869 Zbl 0255.60026 incollection
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