Celebratio Mathematica

Mary Ellen Rudin


Works connected to Zoltán Tibor Balogh

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Z. Ba­logh, S. W. Dav­is, A. Dow, G. Gru­en­hage, P. J. Nyikos, M. E. Rud­in, F. D. Tall, and S. Wat­son: “New clas­sic prob­lems,” To­pol. Proc. 15 (1990), pp. 201–​220. San Mar­cos, TX, 5–7 April 1990. Zbl 0779.​54001 article

Z. Ba­logh and M. E. Rud­in: “Mono­tone nor­mal­ity,” To­po­logy Ap­pl. 47 : 2 (November 1992), pp. 115–​127. MR 1193194 Zbl 0769.​54022 article