Works authored by Varadhan
Works connected to Claudio Landim
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Spectral gap for zero-range dynamics,” Ann. Probab. 24 : 4 (1996), pp. 1871–1902. MR 1415232 Zbl 0870.60095 article
: “Asymptotic behavior of a tagged particle in simple exclusion processes,” Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.) 31 : 3 (2000), pp. 241–275. MR 1817088 Zbl 0983.60100 article
: “Symmetric simple exclusion process: regularity of the self-diffusion coefficient,” pp. 307–321 in Dedicated to Joel L. Lebowitz on his seventieth birthday, published as Comm. Math. Phys. 224 : 1 (2001). MR 1869001 Zbl 0994.60093 incollection
: “Finite-dimensional approximation of the self-diffusion coefficient for the exclusion process,” Ann. Probab. 30 : 2 (2002), pp. 483–508. MR 1905849 Zbl 1018.60097 article
: “On viscosity and fluctuation-dissipation in exclusion processes,” J. Statist. Phys. 115 : 1–2 (2004), pp. 323–363. MR 2070098 Zbl 1157.82355 article
: “Diffusive behaviour of the equilibrium fluctuations in the asymmetric exclusion processes,” pp. 307–324 in Stochastic analysis on large scale interacting systems. Edited by T. Funaki and H. Osada. Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 39. Mathemnatical Society of Japan (Tokyo), 2004. MR 2073338 Zbl 1080.60094 incollection
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