Works authored by Varadhan
Works connected to George C. Papanicolaou
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A limit theorem with strong mixing in Banach space and two applications to stochastic differential equations,” Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 26 : 4 (July 1973), pp. 497–524. MR 0383530 Zbl 0253.60065 article
: “Martingale approach to some limit theorems,” pp. ii+120 pp. in Duke turbulence conference (Durham, NC, April 23–25, 1976). Edited by P. L. Chow. Duke University Mathematics Series III. Duke University (Durham, NC), 1977. MR 0461684 incollection
: “Diffusion in regions with many small holes,” pp. 190–206 in Stochastic differential systems (Vilnius, Lithuania, 28 August–2 September, 1978). Edited by B. Grigelionis. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 25. Springer (Berlin), 1980. MR 609184 Zbl 0485.60076 incollection
: “Boundary value problems with rapidly oscillating random coefficients,” pp. 835–873 in Random fields (Esztergom, Hungary, 1979), vol. II. Edited by J. Fritz, J. L. Lebowitz, and D. Szász. Colloquia mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 27. North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1981. MR 712714 Zbl 0499.60059 incollection
: “Diffusions with random coefficients,” pp. 547–552 in Statistics and probability: essays in honor of C. R. Rao. Edited by G. Kallianpur, P. R. Krishnaiah, and J. K. Ghosh. North-Holland (Amsterdam), 1982. MR 659505 Zbl 0486.60076 incollection
: “Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process in a random potential,” Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 38 : 6 (November 1985), pp. 819–834. MR 812349 Zbl 0617.60078 article
: “Nonlinear diffusion limit for a system with nearest neighbor interactions,” Comm. Math. Phys. 118 : 1 (1988), pp. 31–59. MR 954674 Zbl 0652.60107 article
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