Works authored by Varadhan
Works connected to Elizabeth Leonard Scott
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Diffusion processes,” pp. 361–368 in Proceedings of the sixth Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, June 21–July 18, 1970), vol. III: Probability theory. Edited by L. M. Le Cam, J. Neyman, and E. L. Scott. Univ. California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1972. MR 0397899 Zbl 0255.60055 inproceedings
: “On the support of diffusion processes with applications to the strong maximum principle,” pp. 333–359 in Proceedings of the sixth Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics and probability (Berkeley, CA, June 21–July 18, 1970), vol. III: Probability theory. Edited by L. M. Le Cam, J. Neyman, and E. L. Scott. University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1972. MR 0400425 Zbl 0255.60056 inproceedings
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