Celebratio Mathematica

Robert Fones Williams

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Works connected to Philip John Holmes

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P. Holmes and R. F. Wil­li­ams: “Knot­ted peri­od­ic or­bits in sus­pen­sions of Smale’s horse­shoe: Tor­us knots and bi­furc­a­tion se­quences,” Arch. Ra­tion­al Mech. Anal. 90 : 2 (1985), pp. 115–​194. MR 798342 Zbl 0593.​58027 article

R. F. Wil­li­ams, D. Karp, D. Brown, O. Lan­ford, P. Holmes, R. Thom, E. C. Zee­man, and M. M. Peix­oto: “Fi­nal pan­el,” pp. 589–​605 in From to­po­logy to com­pu­ta­tion: Pro­ceed­ings of the Smal­efest (Berke­ley, CA, 5–9 Au­gust 1990). Edi­ted by M. W. Hirsch, J. E. Marsden, and M. Shub. Spring­er (New York), 1993. MR 1246149 incollection