Celebratio Mathematica

Lou van den Dries

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Works connected to Alex J. Wilkie

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L. van den Dries: “Some mod­el the­ory and num­ber the­ory for mod­els of weak sys­tems of arith­met­ic,” pp. 346–​362 in Mod­el the­ory of al­gebra and arith­met­ic (Karpacz, Po­land, 1–7 Septem­ber 1979). Edi­ted by L. Pachol­ski, J. Wi­erze­jew­ski, and A. J. Wilkie. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 834. Spring­er, 1980. MR 606793 Zbl 0454.​03034 incollection

L. van den Dries and A. J. Wilkie: “Gro­mov’s the­or­em on groups of poly­no­mi­al growth and ele­ment­ary lo­gic,” J. Al­gebra 89 : 2 (August 1984), pp. 349–​374. MR 751150 Zbl 0552.​20017 article

A. J. Wilkie and L. van den Dries: “An ef­fect­ive bound for groups of lin­ear growth,” Arch. Math. (Basel) 42 : 5 (May 1984), pp. 391–​396. MR 756689 Zbl 0567.​20016 article

L. van den Dries: “Tarski’s prob­lem and Pfaf­fi­an func­tions,” pp. 59–​90 in Lo­gic col­loqui­um ’84 (Manchester, UK, 15–24 Ju­ly 1984). Edi­ted by J. B. Par­is, A. J. Wilkie, and G. M. Wilmers. Stud­ies in Lo­gic and the Found­a­tions of Math­em­at­ics 120. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1986. MR 861419 Zbl 0616.​03018 incollection

L. van den Dries and P. Speis­seg­ger: “o-min­im­al pre­par­a­tion the­or­ems,” pp. 87–​116 in Mod­el the­ory and ap­plic­a­tions (Rav­ello, Italy, 27 May–1 June 2002). Edi­ted by L. Bélair, Z. Chatzida­kis, P. D’Aquino, D. Mark­er, M. Otero, F. Point, and A. Wilkie. Quaderni di Matem­at­ica 11. Aracne (Rome), 2002. To An­gus Macintyre, on his 60th birth­day. MR 2159715 Zbl 1081.​03039 incollection

L. van den Dries and A. J. Wilkie: “The laws of in­teger di­vis­ib­il­ity, and solu­tion sets of lin­ear di­vis­ib­il­ity con­di­tions,” J. Symb. Lo­gic 68 : 2 (June 2003), pp. 503–​526. MR 1976588 Zbl 1056.​03020 article

L. van den Dries, J. Koenigs­mann, H. D. Macph­er­son, A. Pil­lay, C. Tof­falori, and A. J. Wilkie: Mod­el the­ory in al­gebra, ana­lys­is and arith­met­ic (Cetraro, Italy, 2–16 Ju­ly 2012). Edi­ted by H. D. Macph­er­son and C. Tof­falori. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 2111. Spring­er (Heidel­berg), 2014. MR 3013956 Zbl 1326.​03045 book