Celebratio Mathematica

Mary Lucy Cartwright

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Works connected to Roger McCann

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M. L. Cartwright: “Al­most peri­od­ic solu­tions of dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions and flows,” pp. 35–​43 in Glob­al dif­fer­en­ti­able dy­nam­ics (Case West­ern Re­serve Uni­versity, Clev­e­land, OH, 2–6 June 1969). Edi­ted by O. Hajek, A. J. Lo­hwa­ter, and R. Mc­Cann. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 235. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1971. MR 0492589 Zbl 0238.​34078 incollection