Celebratio Mathematica

Dennis Lee Johnson


Works connected to Roger Evans Howe

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D. John­son and J. J. Mill­son: “De­form­a­tion spaces as­so­ci­ated to com­pact hy­per­bol­ic man­i­folds,” pp. 48–​106 in Dis­crete groups in geo­metry and ana­lys­is: Pa­pers in hon­or of G. D. Mostow on his six­tieth birth­day (New Haven, CT, 23–25 March 1984). Edi­ted by R. Howe. Pro­gress in Math­em­at­ics 67. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1987. A pre­lim­in­ary re­search an­nounce­ment was pub­lished in Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 14:1 (1986). MR 900823 Zbl 0664.​53023 incollection