Celebratio Mathematica

Marc Yor

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Works connected to István Berkes

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E. Csáki, Z. Shi, and M. Yor: “Frac­tion­al Browni­an mo­tions as ‘high­er-or­der’ frac­tion­al de­riv­at­ives of Browni­an loc­al times,” pp. 365–​387 in Lim­it the­or­ems in prob­ab­il­ity and stat­ist­ics: Fourth Hun­gari­an col­loqui­um on lim­it the­or­ems in prob­ab­il­ity and stat­ist­ics (Balaton­lelle, Hun­gary, 28 June–2 Ju­ly 1999), vol. 1. Edi­ted by I. Berkes, E. Csáki, and M. Csör­gő. János Bolyai Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Bud­apest), 2002. Ded­ic­ated to Pál Révész on the oc­ca­sion of his 65th birth­day. MR 1979974 Zbl 1030.​60073 incollection