Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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Works connected to Deborah Tepper Haimo

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R. As­key and S. Wainger: “A dual con­vo­lu­tion struc­ture for Jac­obi poly­no­mi­als,” pp. 25–​36 in Or­tho­gon­al ex­pan­sions and their con­tinu­ous ana­logues (Ed­wards­ville, IL, 27–29 April 1967). Edi­ted by D. T. Haimo. South­ern Illinois Uni­versity Press (Car­bondale, IL), 1968. MR 232027 Zbl 0174.​36305 incollection

R. As­key and D. T. Haimo: “Series in­ver­sion of some con­vo­lu­tion trans­forms,” J. Math. Anal. Ap­pl. 59 : 1 (1977), pp. 119–​129. MR 442607 Zbl 0353.​44005 article

R. As­key and D. T. Haimo: “Sim­il­ar­it­ies between Four­i­er and power series,” Am. Math. Monthly 103 : 4 (April 1996), pp. 297–​304. In memory of Ral­ph P. Boas, Jr. MR 1383666 Zbl 0854.​33005 article