Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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R. As­key: “Di­vided dif­fer­ence op­er­at­ors and clas­sic­al or­tho­gon­al poly­no­mi­als,” pp. 33–​37 in Con­struct­ive Func­tion the­ory — 86 Con­fer­ence (Ed­mon­ton, AB, 22–26 Ju­ly 1986), published as Rocky Moun­tain J. Math. 19 : 1. Issue edi­ted by W. A. Al-Salam, Z. Dit­zi­an, and S. D. Riemenschneider. Ari­zona State Uni­versity (Tempe, AZ), 1989. MR 1016157 Zbl 0696.​33008 incollection