Celebratio Mathematica

Richard Allen Askey

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Works connected to Krishna Chandra Sharma

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R. As­key: “Ramanu­jan and hy­per­geo­met­ric and ba­sic hy­per­geo­met­ric series,” pp. 1–​83 in Ramanu­jan in­ter­na­tion­al sym­posi­um on ana­lys­is. Edi­ted by N. K. Thakare, K. C. Sharma, and T. T. Raghunath­an. Mac­mil­lan In­dia (New Del­hi), 1989. Re­pub­lished (in Rus­si­an) in Usp. Mat. Nauk 45:1(271) (1990), and (in Eng­lish) in Russ. Math. Surv. 45:1 (1990) and Ramanu­jan: {Essays and sur­veys} (2001). MR 1117465 incollection