Interview with Joan Birman
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On Siegel’s modular group,” Math. Ann. 191 (1971), pp. 59–68. MR 0280606 Zbl 0208.10601 article
: “On the mapping class groups of closed surfaces as covering spaces,” pp. 81–115 in Advances in the theory of Riemann surfaces (Stony Brook, NY, 1969). Edited by L. V. Ahlfors, L. Bers, H. M. Farkas, R. C. Gunning, I. Kra, and H. E. Rauch. Annals of Mathematics Studies 66. Princeton University Press, 1971. MR 0292082 Zbl 0217.48602 incollection
: “Braids, links, and mapping class groups. Annals of Mathematics Studies 82. Princeton University Press, 1974. Based on lecture notes by James Cannon. An erratum to Theorem 2.7 is given in Can. J. Math. 34:6 (1982). MR 0375281 Zbl 0305.57013 book
Knot polynomials and Vassiliev’s invariants,” Invent. Math. 111 : 2 (1993), pp. 225–270. MR 1198809 Zbl 0812.57011 article
: “A new algorithm for recognizing the unknot,” Geom. Topol. 2 (1998), pp. 175–220. MR 1658024 Zbl 0955.57005 article
: “Stabilization in the braid groups, I: MTWS,” Geom. Topol. 10 : 1 (2006), pp. 413–540. MR 2224463 Zbl 1128.57003 article
: “Stabilization in the braid groups, II: Transversal simplicity of knots,” Geom. Topol. 10 : 3 (2006), pp. 1425–1452. MR 2255503 Zbl 1130.57005 ArXiv math.GT/0310280 article
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