
Celebratio Mathematica

David H. Blackwell

Other Resources

  • Bio­graphy of Dav­id H. Black­well at Mac­Tutor His­tory of Math­em­at­ics
  • Bio­graphy of Dav­id H. Black­well at Wiki­pe­dia
  • “An Or­al His­tory with Dav­id Black­well” was con­duc­ted by Nad­ine Wilmot in 2002 and 2003, for the Re­gion­al Or­al His­tory Of­fice, The Ban­croft Lib­rary, Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley, 2003. It was part of a lar­ger pro­ject to un­der­stand the im­pact of the in­sti­tu­tion on non­white fac­ulty mem­bers. Black­well was the first black pro­fess­or to be ten­ured in the Uni­versity of Cali­for­nia sys­tem, but many black fac­ulty were in­ter­viewed for the pro­ject. Cathy Cock­rell, writ­ing about the pro­ject for the UC News magazine (uni­versity­ofc­ali­for­­ies-early-black-fac­ulty-of­fer-win­dow-his­tory), said this about the in­ter­views:

    Twelve years in the mak­ing, the series in­volves more than 250 hours of in­ter­views, tra­cing the sub­jects’ life jour­neys and re­count­ing trans­form­at­ive events, such as the Third World Col­lege Strike of 1969, which led to cur­ricular and in­sti­tu­tion­al changes at Berke­ley that re­ver­ber­ated across the na­tion. The old­est of the in­ter­viewees is dra­mat­ic-arts lec­turer Hen­ri­etta Har­ris, born in 1916; Black­well was born in 1919 and died in 2010.

    The in­ter­views shed light on the cour­age in­volved in be­ing a pi­on­eer and role mod­el, the role of his­tor­ic­ally black col­leges, and how the in­ter­viewees’ lives in­ter­sec­ted with ma­jor his­tor­ic­al events and fig­ures[…].