Celebratio Mathematica

Shiing-Shen Chern

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Works connected to Richard K. Lashof

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article S.-S. Chern and R. K. Lashof: “On the total curvature of im­mersed man­i­folds,” Am. J. Math. 79 : 2 (April 1957), pp. 306–​318. MR 0084811 Zbl 0078.​13901

article S.-S. Chern and R. K. Lashof: “On the total curvature of im­mersed man­i­folds, II,” Mich. Math. J. 5 : 1 (1958), pp. 5–​12. MR 0097834 Zbl 0095.​35803

incollection R. Lashof: “Per­son­al re­col­lec­tion of Chern at Chica­go,” pp. 104–​105 in S. S. Chern: A great geo­met­er of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. Mono­graphs in geo­metry and to­po­logy. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Hong Kong), 1992. MR 1201349