Celebratio Mathematica

Shiing-Shen Chern

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Works connected to Raoul H. Bott

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R. Bott and S. S. Chern: “Her­mitian vec­tor bundles and the equidistri­bu­tion of the zer­oes of their holo­morph­ic sec­tions,” Acta Math. 114 : 1 (1965), pp. 71–​112. A Rus­si­an trans­la­tion was pub­lished in Matem­atika 14:2 (1970). MR 0185607 Zbl 0148.​31906 article

R. Bott and S. S. Chern: “Some for­mu­las re­lated to com­plex trans­gres­sion,” pp. 48–​57 in Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mé­m­oires dédiés à Georges de Rham [Es­says on to­po­logy and re­lated top­ics: Mem­oirs ded­ic­ated to Georges de Rham]. Edi­ted by A. Hae­fli­ger and R. Narasim­han. Spring­er (New York), 1970. MR 0264715 Zbl 0203.​54202 incollection

R. Bott: “For the Chern volume,” pp. 106–​108 in S. S. Chern: A great geo­met­er of the twen­ti­eth cen­tury (Los Angeles, 1990). Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Cam­bridge, MA), 1992. MR 1201350 incollection

misc J. Si­mons, R. Bott, R. Bry­ant, X.-X. Chen, S.-S. Chern, F. Hirzebruch, B. Lawson, K. Liu, E. Mein­ren­ken, C.-L. Terng, and A. Wein­stein: The Chern Sym­posi­um, 1998. Se­lec­tions from MSRI’s Video Archive no. 2 (CD-ROM), re­cor­ded Berkelely, CA, 5–7 March 1998. MR 1731157 Zbl 1079.​00505