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Works connected to Rou-Huai Wang
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incollection : “Pfaffian systems in involution,” pp. 233–256 in Proceedings of the 1982 Changchun symposium on differential geometry and differential equations (Changchun, China, 23 August–16 September 1982). Edited by S.-S. Chern, R.-H. Wang, and M.-Y. Chi. Science Press (Beijing), 1986. Zbl 0677.58005
book Proceedings of the 1982 Changchun symposium on differential geometry and differential equations (Changchun, China, 23 August–16 September 1982). Edited by S.-S. Chern, R.-H. Wang, and M.-y. Chi. Science Press (Beijing), 1986. Zbl 0646.00007