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Works connected to Peter D. Lax
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book : Differential geometry in the large: Seminar lectures (New York University, 1946, and Stanford University, 1956). Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1000. Springer (Berlin), 1983. Notes taken by Peter Lax and John Gray. With a preface by S. S. Chern. A 2nd edition was published in 1989. MR 707850 Zbl 0526.53002
book : Differential geometry in the large: Seminar lectures (New York University, 1946, and Stanford University, 1956), 2nd edition. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1000. Springer (Berlin), 1989. Notes taken by Peter Lax and John W. Gray, with prefaces by S. S. Chern and K. Voss. MR 1013786 Zbl 0669.53001
incollection : “Back to Riemann,” pp. 33–34 in Mathematics: Frontiers and perspectives. Edited by V. I. Arnold, M. Atiyah, P. Lax, and B. Mazur. American Mathematical Society (Providence, RI), 2000. MR 1754765 Zbl 1059.53001