Complete Bibliography
Works connected to Richard Sheldon Palais
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incollection : “The life and mathematics of Shiing Shen Chern,” pp. 18–62 in S. S. Chern: A great geometer of the twentieth century. Edited by S.-T. Yau. Monographs in geometry and topology. International Press (Hong Kong), 1992. MR 1201340
incollection : “Characteristic classes as a geometric object,” pp. 221–226 in Global analysis in modern mathematics: A symposium in honor of Richard Palais’ sixtieth birthday (Orono, ME, 8–10 August 1991 and Waltham, MA, 12 August 1992). Edited by K. Uhlenbeck. Publish or Perish (Houston, TX), 1993. MR 1278756 Zbl 0924.57001