Celebratio Mathematica

Kai Lai Chung

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Works connected to Paul Erdős

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K.-L. Chung and P. Er­dős: “On the lower lim­it of sums of in­de­pend­ent ran­dom vari­ables,” Ann. of Math. (2) 48 : 4 (October 1947), pp. 1003–​1013. MR 0023010 Zbl 0029.​15202 article

K. L. Chung and P. Er­dős: “Prob­ab­il­ity lim­it the­or­ems as­sum­ing only the first mo­ment, I,” Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., 1951 : 6 (1951), pp. 19. MR 0040612 Zbl 0042.​37601 article

K. L. Chung and P. Er­dős: “On the ap­plic­a­tion of the Borel–Can­telli lemma,” Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 72 (1952), pp. 179–​186. MR 0045327 Zbl 0046.​35203 article

K. L. Chung, P. Er­dős, and T. Sirao: “On the Lipschitz’s con­di­tion for Browni­an mo­tion,” J. Math. Soc. Ja­pan 11 : 4 (1959), pp. 263–​274. MR 0121873 Zbl 0091.​13301 article

K. L. Chung: “Mul­ti­no­mi­al ra­tio: Paul Er­dős solves a prob­lem,” Meth­ods Ap­pl. Anal. 5 : 2 (1998), pp. 143–​156. MR 1636550 Zbl 0915.​60037 article