Celebratio Mathematica

Ingrid Daubechies

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Works connected to Jeffrey Clark Lagarias

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I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “Two-scale dif­fer­ence equa­tions, I: Ex­ist­ence and glob­al reg­u­lar­ity of solu­tions,” SIAM J. Math. Anal. 22 : 5 (1991), pp. 1388–​1410. MR 1112515 Zbl 0763.​42018 article

I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “Sets of matrices all in­fin­ite products of which con­verge,” Lin­ear Al­gebra Ap­pl. 161 (January 1992), pp. 227–​263. A cor­ri­gendum/ad­dendum to this art­icle was pub­lished in Lin­ear Al­gebra Ap­pl. 327:1–3 (2007). MR 1142737 Zbl 0746.​15015 article

I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “Two-scale dif­fer­ence equa­tions, II: Loc­al reg­u­lar­ity, in­fin­ite products of matrices, and fractals,” SIAM J. Math. Anal. 23 : 4 (1992), pp. 1031–​1079. MR 1166574 Zbl 0788.​42013 article

I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “On the ther­mo­dy­nam­ic form­al­ism for mul­ti­fractal func­tions,” pp. 1033–​1070 in Spe­cial is­sue ded­ic­ated to El­li­ott H. Lieb, published as Rev. Math. Phys. 6 : 5A. Issue edi­ted by M. Aizen­man and H. Araki. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 1994. Also pub­lished in The state of mat­ter (1994). MR 1301365 Zbl 0843.​58091 incollection

I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “On the ther­mo­dy­nam­ic form­al­ism for mul­ti­fractal func­tions,” pp. 213–​264 in The state of mat­ter: A volume ded­ic­ated to E. H. Lieb (Copen­ha­gen, Ju­ly 1992). Edi­ted by M. Aizen­man and H. Araki. Ad­vanced Series in Math­em­at­ic­al Phys­ics 20. World Sci­entif­ic (Singa­pore), 1994. Also pub­lished in Rev. Math. Phys. 6:5A (1994). MR 1462145 incollection

I. Daubech­ies and J. C. Lagari­as: “Cor­ri­gendum/ad­dendum to: ‘Sets of matrices all in­fin­ite products of which con­verge’,” Lin­ear Al­gebra Ap­pl. 327 : 1–​3 (April 2001), pp. 69–​83. Cor­ri­gendum/ad­dendum to art­icle pub­lished in Lin­ear Al­gebra Ap­pl. 161 (1992). MR 1823340 Zbl 0978.​15024 article