L. Platiša, B. Cornelis, T. Ružić, A. Pižurica, A. Dooms, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubechies :
“Spatiogram features to characterize pearls in paintings ,”
pp. 801–804
18th IEEE international conference on image processing
(Brussels, 11–14 September 2011 ).
IEEE (Piscataway, NJ ),
2011 .
Objective characterization of jewels in paintings, especially pearls, has been a long lasting challenge for art historians. The way an artist painted pearls reflects his ability to observing nature and his knowledge of contemporary optical theory. Moreover, the painterly execution may also be considered as an individual characteristic useful in distinguishing hands. In this work, we propose a set of image analysis techniques to analyze and measure spatial characteristics of the digital images of pearls, all relying on the so called spatiogram image representation. Our experimental results demonstrate good correlation between the new metrics and the visually observed image features, and also capture the degree of realism of the visual appearance in the painting. In that sense, these results set the basis in creating a practical tool for art historical attribution and give strong motivation for further investigations in this direction.
@incollection {key21554432,
AUTHOR = {Plati\v{s}a, L. and Cornelis, B. and
Ru\v{z}i\'c, T. and Pi\v{z}urica, A.
and Dooms, A. and Martens, M. and De
Mey, M. and Daubechies, I.},
TITLE = {Spatiogram features to characterize
pearls in paintings},
BOOKTITLE = {18th {IEEE} international conference
on image processing},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
YEAR = {2011},
PAGES = {801--804},
DOI = {10.1109/ICIP.2011.6116677},
NOTE = {(Brussels, 11--14 September 2011).},
ISBN = {9781457713040},
T. Ružić, B. Cornelis, L. Platiša, A. Pižurica, A. Dooms, W. Philips, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubechies :
“Virtual restoration of the Ghent Altarpiece using crack detection and inpainting ,”
pp. 417–428
Advanced concepts for intelligent vision systems: 13th international conference
(Ghent, Belgium, 22–25 August 2011 ).
Edited by J. Blanc-Talon, R. Kleihorst, W. Philips, D. Popescu, and P. Scheunders .
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6915 .
Springer (Berlin ),
2011 .
In this paper, we present a new method for virtual restoration of digitized paintings, with the special focus on the Ghent Altarpiece (1432), one of Belgium’s greatest masterpieces. The goal of the work is to remove cracks from the digitized painting thereby approximating how the painting looked like before ageing for nearly 600 years and aiding art historical and palaeographical analysis. For crack detection, we employ a multiscale morphological approach, which can cope with greatly varying thickness of the cracks as well as with their varying intensities (from dark to the light ones). Due to the content of the painting (with extremely many fine details) and complex type of cracks (including inconsistent whitish clouds around them), the available inpainting methods do not provide satisfactory results on many parts of the painting. We show that patch-based methods outperform pixel-based ones, but leaving still much room for improvements in this application. We propose a new method for candidate patch selection, which can be combined with different patch-based inpainting methods to improve their performance in crack removal. The results demonstrate improved performance, with less artefacts and better preserved fine details.
@incollection {key41995092,
AUTHOR = {Ru\v{z}i\'c, Tijana and Cornelis, Bruno
and Plati\v{s}a, Ljiljana and Pi\v{z}urica,
Aleksandra and Dooms, Ann and Philips,
Wilfried and Martens, Maximiliaan and
De Mey, Marc and Daubechies, Ingrid},
TITLE = {Virtual restoration of the {G}hent {A}ltarpiece
using crack detection and inpainting},
BOOKTITLE = {Advanced concepts for intelligent vision
systems: 13th international conference},
EDITOR = {Blanc-Talon, Jacques and Kleihorst,
Richard and Philips, Wilfried and Popescu,
Dan and Scheunders, Paul},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
NUMBER = {6915},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin},
YEAR = {2011},
PAGES = {417--428},
DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-23687-7_38},
NOTE = {(Ghent, Belgium, 22--25 August 2011).},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
ISBN = {9783642236860},
J. Wolff, M. Martens, S. Jafarpour, I. Daubechies, and R. Calderbank :
“Uncovering elements of style ,”
pp. 1017–1020
2011 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing
(Prague, 22–27 May 2011 ).
IEEE (Piscataway, NJ ),
2011 .
This paper relates the style of 16th century Flemish paintings by Goossen van der Weyden to the style of preliminary sketches or underpaintings made prior to executing the painting. Van der Weyden made underpaintings in markedly different styles for reasons as yet not understood by art historians. The analysis presented here starts from a classification of the underpaintings into four distinct styles by experts in art history. Analysis of the painted surfaces by a combination of wavelet analysis, hidden Markov trees and boosting algorithms can distinguish the four underpainting styles with greater than \( 90\% \) cross-validation accuracy. On a subsequent blind test this classifier provided insight into the hypothesis by art historians that different patches of the finished painting were executed by different hands.
@incollection {key29907936,
AUTHOR = {Wolff, Josephine and Martens, Maximiliaan
and Jafarpour, Sina and Daubechies,
Ingrid and Calderbank, Robert},
TITLE = {Uncovering elements of style},
BOOKTITLE = {2011 {IEEE} international conference
on acoustics, speech and signal processing},
ADDRESS = {Piscataway, NJ},
YEAR = {2011},
PAGES = {1017--1020},
DOI = {10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946579},
NOTE = {(Prague, 22--27 May 2011).},
ISBN = {9781457705397},
B. Cornelis, T. Ružić, E. Gezels, A. Dooms, A. Pižurica, L. Platiša, J. Cornelis, M. Martens, M. De Mey, and I. Daubechies :
“Crack detection and inpainting for virtual restoration of paintings: The case of the Ghent Altarpiece ,”
Signal Processing
93 : 3
(March 2013 ),
pp. 605–619 .
Digital image processing is proving to be of great help in the analysis and documentation of our vast cultural heritage. In this paper, we present a new method for the virtual restoration of digitized paintings with special attention for The Ghent Altarpiece (1432), a large polyptych panel painting of which very few digital reproductions exist. We achieve our objective by detecting and digitally removing cracks. The detection of cracks is particularly difficult because of the varying content features in different parts of the polyptych. Three new detection methods are proposed and combined in order to detect cracks of different sizes as well as varying brightness. Semi-supervised clustering based post-processing is used to remove objects falsely labelled as cracks. For the subsequent inpainting stage, a patch-based technique is applied to handle the noisy nature of the images and to increase the performance for crack removal. We demonstrate the usefulness of our method by means of a case study where the goal is to improve readability of the depiction of text in a book, present in one of the panels, in order to assist paleographers in its deciphering.
@article {key33739184,
AUTHOR = {Cornelis, B. and Ru\v{z}i\'c, T. and
Gezels, E. and Dooms, A. and Pi\v{z}urica,
A. and Plati\v{s}a, L. and Cornelis,
J. and Martens, M. and De Mey, M. and
Daubechies, I.},
TITLE = {Crack detection and inpainting for virtual
restoration of paintings: {T}he case
of the {G}hent {A}ltarpiece},
JOURNAL = {Signal Processing},
FJOURNAL = {Signal Process.},
VOLUME = {93},
NUMBER = {3},
MONTH = {March},
YEAR = {2013},
PAGES = {605--619},
DOI = {10.1016/j.sigpro.2012.07.022},
ISSN = {0165-1684},
A. Pižurica, L. Platiša, T. Ružić, B. Cornelis, A. Dooms, M. Martens, H. Dubois, B. Devolder, M. D. Mey, and I. Daubechies :
“Digital image processing of T he Ghent Altarpiece: Supporting the painting’s study and conservation treatment ,”
IEEE Signal Process. Mag.
32 : 4
(July 2015 ),
pp. 112–122 .
@article {key88873596,
AUTHOR = {Aleksandra Pi\v{z}urica and Ljiljana
Plati\v{s}a and Tijana Ru\v{z}i\'c and
Bruno Cornelis and Ann Dooms and Maximiliaan
Martens and H\'el\`ene Dubois and Bart
Devolder and Marc De Mey and Ingrid
TITLE = {Digital image processing of \textit{{T}he
{G}hent {A}ltarpiece}: {S}upporting
the painting's study and conservation
JOURNAL = {IEEE Signal Process. Mag.},
FJOURNAL = {IEEE Signal Processing Magazine},
VOLUME = {32},
NUMBER = {4},
MONTH = {July},
YEAR = {2015},
PAGES = {112--122},
DOI = {10.1109/MSP.2015.2411753},
ISSN = {1053-5888},