Celebratio Mathematica

Leonard Eugene Dickson

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Paul Bachmann

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L. E. Dick­son: “Book re­view: Niedere Zah­len­the­or­ie, er­ster Teil,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 9 : 10 (1903), pp. 555–​556. Book by P. Bach­mann (Teub­n­er, 1902). MR 1558032 article

L. E. Dick­son: “Book re­views: Zah­len­the­or­ie and Ein­lei­tung in die allge­meine The­or­ie der Al­geb­rais­chen Grössen,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 13 : 7 (1907), pp. 348–​362. Books by P. Bach­mann (Teub­n­er, 1905) and J. König (Teub­n­er, 1903). MR 1558477 article

L. E. Dick­son: “Book re­view: Niedere Zah­len­the­or­ie, zweit­er Teil,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 17 : 5 (1911), pp. 255–​256. Book by P. Bach­man (Teub­n­er, 1910). MR 1559037 article

L. E. Dick­son: “Book re­view: Die Arith­metik der quad­rat­ischen For­men, zweite Ab­teilung,” Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 30 : 7 (1924), pp. 373. Book by P. Bach­mann (Teub­n­er, 1923). MR 1560922 article