Celebratio Mathematica

Andrew Mattei Gleason

The secret life of Andy Gleason

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R. W. Marsh and A. M. Gleason: “A meth­od for gen­er­at­ing ir­re­du­cible poly­no­mi­als,” MAA Monthly (1957), pp. 747–​748. Prob­lem 4709. article

A. M. Gleason: Fac­tor­iz­a­tion of poly­no­mi­als over fi­nite fields with par­tic­u­lar ref­er­ence to the cyc­lo­tom­ic poly­no­mi­als. Typescript pre­print, 1961. techreport

A. M. Gleason: Ele­ment­ary course in prob­ab­il­ity for the crypt­ana­lyst. Ae­gean Park Press (La­guna Hills, CA), 1985. book

An­drew M. Gleason: Glimpses of a life in math­em­at­ics. Edi­ted by E. Bolk­er, P. Chernoff, C. Costes, and D. Lieber­man. Privately prin­ted, 1992. book