Celebratio Mathematica

Cameron McAllan Gordon

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Works connected to Steven Patrick Boyer

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S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and X. Zhang: “Dehn fillings of large hy­per­bol­ic 3-man­i­folds,” J. Diff. Geom. 58 : 2 (2001), pp. 263–​308. MR 1913944 Zbl 1042.​57007 article

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and X. Zhang: “Re­du­cible and fi­nite Dehn fillings,” J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 79 : 1 (2009), pp. 72–​84. MR 2472134 Zbl 1162.​57015 ArXiv 0710.​3786 article

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and X. Zhang: “Char­ac­ter­ist­ic sub­man­i­fold the­ory and tor­oid­al Dehn filling,” Adv. Math. 230 : 4–​6 (July–August 2012), pp. 1673–​1737. MR 2927352 Zbl 1248.​57004 ArXiv 1104.​3321 article

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and L. Wat­son: “On L-spaces and left-or­der­able fun­da­ment­al groups,” Math. Ann. 356 : 4 (2013), pp. 1213–​1245. MR 3072799 Zbl 1279.​57008 ArXiv 1107.​5016 article

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and X. Zhang: “Dehn fillings of knot man­i­folds con­tain­ing es­sen­tial once-punc­tured tori,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 366 : 1 (2014), pp. 341–​393. MR 3118399 Zbl 1290.​57005 ArXiv 1109.​5151 article

M. Boileau, S. Boy­er, and C. M. Gor­don: “On def­in­ite strongly qua­si­pos­it­ive links and L-space branched cov­ers,” Adv. Math. 357 (2019), pp. 106828, 63. MR 4016557 Zbl 1432.​57005 article

M. Boileau, S. Boy­er, and C. M. Gor­don: “Branched cov­ers of quasi-pos­it­ive links and L-spaces,” J. To­pol. 12 : 2 (2019), pp. 536–​576. MR 4072174 Zbl 1422.​57012 article

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and Y. Hu: Slope de­tec­tion and tor­oid­al 3-man­i­folds. Pre­print, 2021. Zbl 0587.​57008 ArXiv 2106.​14378 techreport

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and Y. Hu: Re­cal­ib­rat­ing \( \mathbb{R} \)-or­der trees and \( \mathrm{Homeo}_+(S^1) \)-rep­res­ent­a­tions of link groups. Pre­print, 2023. ArXiv 2306.​10357 techreport

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and Y. Hu: JSJ de­com­pos­i­tions of knot ex­ter­i­ors, Dehn sur­gery and the \( L \)-space con­jec­ture. Pre­print, 2023. Zbl 1058.​57004 ArXiv 2307.​06815 techreport

S. Boy­er, C. M. Gor­don, and X. Zhang: Dehn fillings of knot man­i­folds con­tain­ing es­sen­tial twice-punc­tured tori. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 295. 2024. ArXiv 2004.​04219 book