Celebratio Mathematica

Cameron McAllan Gordon

Working with Cameron: from exceptional surgeries to the L-space conjecture

Works connected to Jean-Claude Hausmann

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C. M. Gor­don: “Some as­pects of clas­sic­al knot the­ory,” pp. 1–​60 in Knot the­ory (Plans-sur-Bex, Switzer­land, 1977). Edi­ted by J. C. Haus­mann. Lec­ture Notes in Math­em­at­ics 685. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1978. This volume is ded­ic­ated to the memory of Chris­tos De­met­ri­ou Papakyriako­poulos, 1914–1976. MR 521730 Zbl 0386.​57002 incollection