Celebratio Mathematica

Friedrich E. P. Hirzebruch

Friedrich Hirzebruch (1927–2012)

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F. Hirzebruch: “The sig­na­ture the­or­em: Re­min­is­cences and re­cre­ation,” pp. 3–​31 in F. Hirzebruch, L. Hör­mander, J. Mil­nor, J.-P. Serre, and I. Sing­er: Pro­spects in math­em­at­ics (Prin­ceton, NJ, 16–18 March 1970). An­nals of Math­em­at­ics Stud­ies 70. Prin­ceton Uni­versity Press, 1971. MR 368023 Zbl 0252.​58009 incollection

F. E. P. Hirzebruch: “Hil­bert mod­u­lar sur­faces,” En­sei­gne­ment Math. (2) 19 : 3–​4 (1973), pp. 183–​281. MR 393045 Zbl 0285.​14007 article

F. Hirzebruch and D. Za­gi­er: The Atiyah–Sing­er the­or­em and ele­ment­ary num­ber the­ory. Math­em­at­ics Lec­ture Series 3. Pub­lish or Per­ish (Bo­ston), 1974. MR 650832 Zbl 0288.​10001 book

F. Hirzebruch and D. Za­gi­er: “In­ter­sec­tion num­bers of curves on Hil­bert mod­u­lar sur­faces and mod­u­lar forms of Nebenty­pus,” In­vent. Math. 36 : 1 (1976), pp. 57–​113. To Jean-Pierre Serre. A short sum­mary was pub­lished in Delange–Pisot–Poit­ou sem­in­ar: Num­ber the­ory (1977). MR 453649 Zbl 0332.​14009 article

F. Hirzebruch: “Ar­range­ments of lines and al­geb­ra­ic sur­faces,” pp. 113–​140 in Arith­met­ic and geo­metry: Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to I. R. Sha­far­ev­ich on the oc­ca­sion of his six­tieth birth­day, vol. II: Geo­metry. Edi­ted by M. Artin and J. T. Tate. Pro­gress in Math­em­at­ics 36. Birkhäuser (Bo­ston), 1983. MR 717609 Zbl 0527.​14033 incollection

F. Hirzebruch: “El­lipt­ic gen­era of level \( N \) for com­plex man­i­folds,” pp. 37–​63 in Dif­fer­en­tial geo­met­ric­al meth­ods in the­or­et­ic­al phys­ics (Como, Italy, 24–29 Au­gust 1987). Edi­ted by K. Bleuler and M. Wern­er. NATO ASI Series, Series C: Math­em­at­ic­al Phys­ic­al Sci­ences 250. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 1988. MR 981372 Zbl 0667.​32009 incollection

F. Hirzebruch, T. Ber­ger, and R. Jung: Man­i­folds and mod­u­lar forms. As­pects of Math­em­at­ics E20. Vieweg & Sohn (Braun­sch­weig), 1992. With ap­pen­dices by Nils-Peter Skoruppa and by Paul Baum. MR 1189136 Zbl 0767.​57014 book