Celebratio Mathematica

Friedrich E. P. Hirzebruch

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Peter Slodowy

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J. G. Bliss, R. V. Moody, and A. Pi­an­zola: “Ap­pendix to: ‘El­lipt­ic gen­era, in­vol­u­tions, and ho­mo­gen­eous spin man­i­folds’ by F. Hirzebruch and P. Slodowy,” Geom. Ded­icata 35 : 1–​3 (1990), pp. 345–​351. MR 1066571

F. Hirzebruch and P. Slodowy: “El­lipt­ic gen­era, in­vol­u­tions, and ho­mo­gen­eous spin man­i­folds,” Geom. Ded­icata 35 : 1–​3 (1990), pp. 309–​343. Ded­ic­ated to Jacques Tits on the oc­ca­sion of his six­tieth birth­day. MR 1066570 Zbl 0712.​57010 article

F. Hirzebruch: “Trauer­ans­prache für Peter Slodowy, 27. Novem­ber 2002” [Eu­logy for Peter Slodowy, 27 Novem­ber 2002], pp. 13–​17 in Geo­metry and to­po­logy of caustics–Caustics ’02 (Warsaw, 17–29 June 2002). Edi­ted by S. Janeczko and D. Siersma. Banach Cen­ter Pub­lic­a­tions 62. Pol­ish Academy of Sci­ences (Warsaw), 2004. MR 2055866 Zbl 1072.​01534 incollection