Celebratio Mathematica

Friedrich E. P. Hirzebruch

Complete Bibliography

Works connected to Raoul H. Bott

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Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. Sur­veys in Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry (sup­ple­ment to Journ­al of Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry) 7. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2000. MR 1919419 book

F. Hirzebruch: “The Atiyah–Bott–Sing­er fixed point the­or­em and num­ber the­ory,” pp. 313–​326 in Pa­pers ded­ic­ated to Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch and Sing­er (Cam­bridge, MA, 14–16 May 1999). Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. Sur­veys in Dif­fer­en­tial Geo­metry 7. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somervile, MA), 2000. MR 1919429 Zbl 1061.​58022 incollection

The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of Atiyah, Bott, Hirzebruch, and Sing­er. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2003. Re­pub­lished in 2009. MR 2136846 Zbl 1072.​01021 book

The founders of in­dex the­ory: Re­min­is­cences of and about Sir Mi­chael Atiyah, Raoul Bott, Friedrich Hirzebruch, and I. M. Sing­er, 2nd edition. Edi­ted by S.-T. Yau. In­ter­na­tion­al Press (Somerville, MA), 2009. Re­pub­lic­a­tion of 2003 ori­gin­al. MR 2547480 Zbl 1195.​01090 book

P. D. Lax, F. Hirzebruch, B. Mazur, L. Con­lon, E. B. Curtis, H. M. Ed­wards, J. Huebschmann, and H. Shul­man: “Raoul Bott as we knew him,” pp. 43–​49 in A cel­eb­ra­tion of the math­em­at­ic­al leg­acy of Raoul Bott (Montreal, 9–13 June 2008). Edi­ted by P. R. Ko­ti­uga. CRM Pro­ceed­ings & Lec­ture Notes 50. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 2010. MR 2648884 Zbl 1195.​01029 incollection