Celebratio Mathematica

Friedrich E. P. Hirzebruch

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Works connected to Paul Stallings Mostert

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F. Hirzebruch: “In­vol­u­tion­en auf Man­nig­faltigkeiten” [In­vol­u­tions on man­i­folds], pp. 148–​166 in Pro­ceed­ings of the con­fer­ence on trans­form­a­tion groups (New Or­leans, LA, 8 May–2 June 1967). Edi­ted by P. S. Mostert. Spring­er (New York), 1968. Ded­ic­ated to Hein­rich Behnke on the oc­ca­sion of his sev­en­ti­eth birth­day. MR 250339 Zbl 0177.​26401 incollection