
Celebratio Mathematica

Vaughan F. R. Jones

Sir Vaughan Jones Memorial

6 December 2020
University of Auckland, New Zealand

Dir­ect link: ht­tps://­BxG_g­G5s

On Decem­ber 6, 2020, friends, fam­ily and col­leagues gathered at the Uni­versity of Auck­land to pay trib­ute to Vaughan Jones’ life and re­mark­able ca­reer in math­em­at­ics. We are grate­ful to Wendy Jones and to the Uni­versity of Auck­land for per­mis­sion to in­clude here a video re­cord­ing of the event in its en­tirety. The me­mori­al was or­gan­ized by Mar­ston Con­d­er and presided over by cel­eb­rant and fam­ily friend, Phil­ippa Broth­ers. The speak­ers were (in or­der of ap­pear­ance) Vaughan’s wife, Wendy (6:56); daugh­ter, Beth­any (11:21); long­time friend, Peter Broth­ers (30:24); col­leagues, Dav­id Gauld (46:55) and Gaven Mar­tin (1:02:20); and, lastly, Vaughan’s sis­ter, Tessa Jones (1:20:52).