
Celebratio Mathematica

Vaughan F. R. Jones

Curriculum vitae: Vaughan F. R. Jones

Vaughan Jones’ CV shows a re­mark­able ca­reer tra­ject­ory: from New Zea­l­and primary school to Fields medal­ist. Far from em­phas­iz­ing in­di­vidu­al ac­com­plish­ment only, the CV re­veals a deep com­mit­ment to the math­em­at­ic­al com­munity — to the or­gan­iz­a­tions, pub­lic­a­tions and in­sti­tutes that are the life blood of math­em­at­ics. A flu­ent speak­er of French from the time of his years in Geneva, Jones was fun­da­ment­ally at ease in the European con­text, and his in­volve­ment in ed­it­or­i­al and sci­entif­ic ad­vis­ory boards spanned three con­tin­ents, five coun­tries, and thir­teen re­search journ­als. (Jones’ in­volve­ment with math­em­at­ic­al com­munit­ies bey­ond the am­bit of his form­al com­mit­tee roles is mov­ingly re­coun­ted in Sor­in Popa’s trib­ute, pub­lished in this volume.) He was an elec­ted mem­ber of no few­er than eight dif­fer­ent sci­entif­ic so­ci­et­ies. To view his cur­riculum vitae as a PDF, click on the link at the up­per right corner of this page.