
Celebratio Mathematica

Krystyna Kuperberg

Complete Bibliography

[1] K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “On weakly zero-di­men­sion­al map­pings,” Col­loq. Math. 22 : 2 (1971), pp. 245–​248. MR 281172 Zbl 0215.​23904 article

[2] K. Ku­per­berg: “An iso­morph­ism the­or­em of the Hurewicz-type in Bor­suk’s the­ory of shape,” Fund. Math. 77 : 1 (1972), pp. 21–​32. MR 324692 Zbl 0247.​55008 article

[3] K. M. Ku­per­berg: The shape the­ory ana­logues of some clas­sic­al iso­moph­ism the­or­ems for ho­mo­logy and ho­mo­topy groups. Ph.D. thesis, Rice Uni­versity, 1974. Ad­vised by K. Bor­suk and W. H. Jaco. MR 2624229 phdthesis

[4] K. Ku­per­berg: “A note on the Hurewicz iso­morph­ism the­or­em in Bor­suk’s the­ory of shape,” Fund. Math. 90 : 2 (1975–1976), pp. 173–​175. MR 394648 Zbl 0316.​55012 article

[5] K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “An ex­ample con­cern­ing the can­cellab­il­ity of cycles,” To­po­logy Proc. 4 : 1 (1979), pp. 133–​137. Ed­ited by Ross Geoghegan. MR 583696 Zbl 0447.​55009 article

[6] K. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, and W. R. R. Tran­sue: “On the 2-ho­mo­gen­eity of Cartesian products,” Fund. Math. 110 : 2 (1980), pp. 131–​134. Ded­ic­ated to the memory and Ral­ph Ben­nett. MR 600586 Zbl 0475.​54025 article

[7] K. Ku­per­berg: “A loc­ally con­nec­ted mi­cro­homo­gen­eous non­homo­gen­eous con­tinuum,” Bull. Acad. Po­lon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Math. 28 : 11–​12 (1980), pp. 627–​630. MR 628653 Zbl 0467.​54022 article

[8] K. Ku­per­berg and C. Reed: “A rest point free dy­nam­ic­al sys­tem on \( \mathbf{R}^3 \) with uni­formly bounded tra­ject­or­ies,” Fund. Math. 114 : 3 (1981), pp. 229–​234. MR 644408 Zbl 0508.​58036 article

[9] K. Ku­per­berg: “Ho­mo­gen­eity and twis­ted products,” To­po­logy Proc. 13 : 2 (1988), pp. 237–​248. MR 1053699 Zbl 0714.​54005 article

[10] K. Ku­per­berg: “A ho­mo­gen­eous non­bi­ho­mo­gen­eous con­tinuum,” To­po­logy Proc. 13 : 2 (1988), pp. 399–​401. MR 1053707 Zbl 0719.​54042 article

[11] K. Ku­per­berg: “Fixed points of ori­ent­a­tion re­vers­ing homeo­morph­isms of the plane,” To­po­logy Proc. 14 : 1 (1989), pp. 195–​199. Re­search an­nounce­ment for art­icle pub­lished in Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 112:1 (1991). MR 1081127 Zbl 0725.​54033 article

[12] K. M. Ku­per­berg and C. S. Reed: “A dy­nam­ic­al sys­tem on \( \mathbf{R}^3 \) with uni­formly bounded tra­ject­or­ies and no com­pact tra­ject­or­ies,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 106 : 4 (August 1989), pp. 1095–​1097. MR 965244 Zbl 0676.​58047 article

[13] K. Ku­per­berg: “A non­par­al­lel cyl­in­der pack­ing with pos­it­ive dens­ity,” Math­em­atika 37 : 2 (1990), pp. 324–​331. MR 1099780 Zbl 0721.​52012 article

[14] K. Ku­per­berg: “On the bi­ho­mo­gen­eity prob­lem of Knas­ter,” Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 321 : 1 (1990), pp. 129–​143. MR 989579 Zbl 0707.​54025 article

[15] K. Ku­per­berg: “Fixed points of ori­ent­a­tion re­vers­ing homeo­morph­isms of the plane,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 112 : 1 (1991), pp. 223–​229. A re­search an­nounce­ment was pub­lished in To­po­logy Proc. 14:1 (1989). MR 1064906 Zbl 0722.​55001 article

[16] K. Ku­per­berg: “A lower bound for the num­ber of fixed points of ori­ent­a­tion re­vers­ing homeo­morph­isms,” pp. 367–​371 in The geo­metry of Hamilto­ni­an sys­tems (Berke­ley, CA, 5–16 June 1989). Edi­ted by T. Ra­tiu. Math­em­at­ic­al Sci­ences Re­search In­sti­tute Pub­lic­a­tions 22. Spring­er (New York), 1991. MR 1123283 Zbl 0737.​55002 incollection

[17] K. M. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, P. Minc, and C. S. Reed: “Ex­amples re­lated to Ulam’s fixed point prob­lem,” To­pol. Meth­ods Non­lin­ear Anal. 1 : 1 (1993), pp. 173–​181. MR 1215264 Zbl 0787.​54041 article

[18] K. Ku­per­berg: “A smooth counter­example to the Seifert con­jec­ture,” Ann. Math. (2) 140 : 3 (November 1994), pp. 723–​732. MR 1307902 Zbl 0856.​57024 article

[19] K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “Trans­lates of a star­like plane re­gion with a com­mon point,” pp. 205–​216 in In­tu­it­ive geo­metry (Szeged, Hun­gary, 2–7 Septem­ber 1991)). Edi­ted by K. Böröczky and G. Fejes Tóth. Col­loquia Math­em­at­ica So­ci­e­tatis Janos Bolyai 63. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1994. MR 1383627 Zbl 0823.​52005 incollection

[20] É. Ghys: “Con­struc­tion de champs de vec­teurs sans or­bite péri­od­ique (d’après Krystyna Ku­per­berg)” [Con­struc­tion of vec­tor fields without peri­od­ic or­bits (after Krystyna Ku­per­berg)], pp. 283–​307 in Sémin­aire Bourbaki: Volume 1993/94. Astérisque 227. Société Mathématique de France, (Par­is), 1995. Ex­posé no. 785. MR 1321651 Zbl 0846.​57019 incollection

[21] Con­tinua (Cin­cin­nati, OH, 12–15 Janu­ary 1994). Edi­ted by H. Cook, W. T. In­gram, K. T. Ku­per­berg, A. Lelek, and P. Minc. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics 170. Dek­ker (New York), 1995. This in­ter­pol­ates the “Hou­s­ton Prob­lem Book,” which in­cludes a set of 200 prob­lems ac­cu­mu­lated over sev­er­al years at the Uni­versity of Hou­s­ton. MR 1326830 Zbl 0813.​00008 book

[22] K. M. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, and W. R. R. Tran­sue: “Ho­mo­logy sep­ar­a­tion and 2-ho­mo­gen­eity,” pp. 287–​295 in Con­tinua (Cin­cin­nati, OH, 12–15 Janu­ary 1994). Edi­ted by H. Cook, W. T. In­gram, K. T. Ku­per­berg, A. Lelek, and P. Minc. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics 170. Dek­ker (New York), 1995. MR 1326851 Zbl 0826.​54026 incollection

[23] A. Bezdek, K. Ku­per­berg, and W. Ku­per­berg: “Mu­tu­ally con­tigu­ous trans­lates of a plane disk,” Duke Math. J. 78 : 1 (April 1995), pp. 19–​31. MR 1328750 Zbl 0829.​52008 article

[24] W. Hurewicz: Col­lec­ted works of Wit­old Hurewicz. Edi­ted by K. Ku­per­berg. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1995. With con­tri­bu­tions by Rysz­ard En­gelk­ing, Ro­man Pol, Ed­ward Fadell, So­lomon Lef­schetz and Samuel Ei­len­berg. MR 1362795 Zbl 0831.​01017 book

[25] G. Ku­per­berg and K. Ku­per­berg: “Gen­er­al­ized counter­examples to the Seifert con­jec­ture,” Ann. Math. (2) 143 : 3 (May 1996), pp. 547–​576. A cor­rec­ted ver­sion was pub­lished in Ann. Math. 144:2 (1996). MR 1394969 article

[26] G. Ku­per­berg and K. Ku­per­berg: “Gen­er­al­ized counter­examples to the Seifert con­jec­ture,” Ann. Math. (2) 144 : 2 (September 1996), pp. 239–​268. This is a cor­rec­ted ver­sion of the art­icle ori­gin­ally pub­lished in Ann. Math. 143:3 (1996). MR 1418899 Zbl 0856.​57026 ArXiv math/​9802040 article

[27] K. Ku­per­berg: “Bi­ho­mo­gen­eity and Menger man­i­folds,” pp. 175–​184 in Pro­ceed­ings of the in­ter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on set-the­or­et­ic to­po­logy and its ap­plic­a­tions, part 2 (Mat­suyama, Ja­pan, 12–16 Decem­ber 1994), published as To­po­logy Ap­pl. 84 : 1–​3. Issue edi­ted by T. Nogura. El­sevi­er (Am­s­ter­dam), April 1998. MR 1611226 Zbl 0995.​54029 ArXiv math/​9804085 incollection

[28] K. Ku­per­berg: “Counter­examples to the Seifert con­jec­ture,” pp. 831–​840 in Pro­ceed­ings of the In­ter­na­tion­al Con­gress of Math­em­aticians, volume 2: In­vited lec­tures (Ber­lin, 18–27 Au­gust 1998), published as Doc. Math. Ex­tra Volume. Issue edi­ted by G. Fisc­her and U. Rehmann. Deutsche Math­em­atiker-Ver­ein­i­gung (Ber­lin), 1998. Ded­ic­ated to the au­thor’s son Greg. MR 1648130 Zbl 0924.​58086 incollection

[29] M. Barge and K. Ku­per­berg: “Peri­od­ic points from peri­od­ic prime ends,” pp. 13–​21 in Pro­ceed­ings of the 1998 to­po­logy and dy­nam­ics con­fer­ence (Fair­fax, VA, 12–14 March 1998), vol. 23. Edi­ted by G. Gru­en­hage. To­po­logy Proc. Spring. Au­burn Uni­versity, 1998. MR 1743798 Zbl 0976.​54047 incollection

[30] K. Ku­per­berg: “A knot­ted min­im­al tree,” Com­mun. Con­temp. Math. 1 : 1 (1999), pp. 71–​86. MR 1670920 Zbl 0958.​57002 ArXiv math/​9806080 article

[31] K. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, J. Matoušek, and P. Val­tr: “Al­most-tiling the plane by el­lipses,” Dis­crete Com­put. Geom. 22 : 3 (1999), pp. 367–​375. MR 1706602 Zbl 0952.​52016 ArXiv math/​9804040 article

[32] K. Ku­per­berg: “Aperi­od­ic dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems,” No­tices Am. Math. Soc. 46 : 9 (October 1999), pp. 1035–​1040. MR 1710669 Zbl 0936.​37039 article

[33] Geo­metry and to­po­logy in dy­nam­ics (Win­ston-Salem, NC, 9–10 Oc­to­ber 1998 and San Ant­o­nio, TX, 13–16 Janu­ary 1999). Edi­ted by M. Barge and K. Ku­per­berg. Con­tem­por­ary Math­em­at­ics 246. Amer­ic­an Math­em­at­ic­al So­ci­ety (Provid­ence, RI), 1999. MR 1732367 Zbl 0930.​00046 book

[34] I. Bárány, K. Ku­per­berg, and T. Zam­firescu: “Total curvature and spiralling shortest paths,” pp. 167–​176 in U.S.-Hun­gari­an work­shops on dis­crete geo­metry and con­vex­ity (Bud­apest, 12–16 Ju­ly 1999 and Au­burn, AL, 21–26 March 2000), published as Dis­crete Com­put. Geom. 30 : 2. Issue edi­ted by G. Fejes Tóth and W. Ku­per­berg. Spring­er (New York), August 2003. MR 2007957 Zbl 1043.​52004 ArXiv math/​0301338 incollection

[35] Work­shop: “Geo­met­ric the­ory of dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems” (Krakow, Po­land, 19–22 June 2002), published as Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 41. Issue edi­ted by K. Ku­per­berg, A. Pel­czar, and R. Srzed­nicki. Ja­gi­el­lo­ni­an Uni­versity (Krakow, Po­land), 2003. MR 2084749 Zbl 1359.​00032 book

[36] G. Ku­per­berg, K. Ku­per­berg, and W. Ku­per­berg: “Lat­tice pack­ings with gap de­fects are not com­pletely sat­ur­ated,” Beitr. Al­gebra Geom. 45 : 1 (2004), pp. 267–​273. MR 2070648 Zbl 1054.​52010 ArXiv math/​0303366 article

[37] K. Ku­per­berg: “2-wild tra­ject­or­ies,” Dis­crete Con­tin. Dyn. Syst. supplement (2005), pp. 518–​523. MR 2192710 article

[38] A. Clark, J. Kennedy, and K. Ku­per­berg: “Pre­face,” pp. 154 in Pro­ceed­ings of the US-Pol­ish in­ter­na­tion­al work­shop on geo­met­ric meth­ods in dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems (Ne­wark, DE, 9–12 June 2004), published as To­po­logy Ap­pl. 154 : 13. Issue edi­ted by A. Clark, J. Kennedy, and K. Ku­per­berg. El­sevi­er (Am­s­ter­dam), July 2007. MR 2332865 incollection

[39] Pro­ceed­ings of the US-Pol­ish in­ter­na­tion­al work­shop on geo­met­ric meth­ods in dy­nam­ic­al sys­tems (Ne­wark, DE, 9–12 June 2004), published as To­po­logy Ap­pl. 154 : 13. Issue edi­ted by A. Clark, J. Kennedy, and K. Ku­per­berg. El­sevi­er (Am­s­ter­dam), July 2007. Zbl 1121.​57001 book

[40] K. Ku­per­berg and K. Gam­mon: “A short proof of non­homo­gen­eity of the pseudo-circle,” Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 137 : 3 (2009), pp. 1149–​1152. MR 2457457 Zbl 1158.​54014 ArXiv 0803.​1139 article

[41] A. Try­bulec, A. Kornilow­icz, A. Naumow­icz, and K. Ku­per­berg: “Form­al math­em­at­ics for math­em­aticians,” pp. 119–​121 in Form­al math­em­at­ics for math­em­aticians (New Or­leans, LA, 6–9 Janu­ary 2011), published as J. Auto­mat. Reas­on. 50 : 2. Issue edi­ted by A. Try­bulec, A. Kornilow­icz, A. Naumow­icz, and K. Ku­per­berg. Spring­er (Ber­lin), 2013. Fore­word to a spe­cial is­sue. MR 3016795 incollection

[42] K. Ku­per­berg: “Peri­od­icity gen­er­ated by adding ma­chines.” Edi­ted by A. K. M. Libardi, M. Golasiński, V. V. Sharko, and S. Spiejz. Zb. Pr. Inst. Mat. NAN Ukr. 10 : 6 (2013), pp. 140–​147. Zbl 1313.​37007 article

[43] K. T. Ku­per­berg: “An­drzej Try­bulec–in me­mori­am,” J. Auto­mat. Reas­on. 55 : 3 (2015), pp. 187–​190. MR 3402512 Zbl 1337.​01014 article

[44] K. Ku­per­berg: “Two Vi­et­or­is-type iso­morph­ism the­or­ems in Bor­suk’s the­ory of shape, con­cern­ing the Vi­et­or­is–Cech ho­mo­logy and Bor­suk’s fun­da­ment­al groups,” Chapter 22, pp. 285–​313 in Stud­ies in to­po­logy (Char­lotte, NC, 14–16 March 1974). Edi­ted by N. M. Stav­rakas and K. R. Al­len. Aca­dem­ic Press, New York. MR 383398 Zbl 0323.​55021 incollection