Celebratio Mathematica

Krystyna Kuperberg

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Works connected to Włodzimierz Kuperberg

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K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “On weakly zero-di­men­sion­al map­pings,” Col­loq. Math. 22 : 2 (1971), pp. 245–​248. MR 281172 Zbl 0215.​23904 article

K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “An ex­ample con­cern­ing the can­cellab­il­ity of cycles,” To­po­logy Proc. 4 : 1 (1979), pp. 133–​137. Ed­ited by Ross Geoghegan. MR 583696 Zbl 0447.​55009 article

K. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, and W. R. R. Tran­sue: “On the 2-ho­mo­gen­eity of Cartesian products,” Fund. Math. 110 : 2 (1980), pp. 131–​134. Ded­ic­ated to the memory and Ral­ph Ben­nett. MR 600586 Zbl 0475.​54025 article

K. M. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, P. Minc, and C. S. Reed: “Ex­amples re­lated to Ulam’s fixed point prob­lem,” To­pol. Meth­ods Non­lin­ear Anal. 1 : 1 (1993), pp. 173–​181. MR 1215264 Zbl 0787.​54041 article

K. Ku­per­berg and W. Ku­per­berg: “Trans­lates of a star­like plane re­gion with a com­mon point,” pp. 205–​216 in In­tu­it­ive geo­metry (Szeged, Hun­gary, 2–7 Septem­ber 1991)). Edi­ted by K. Böröczky and G. Fejes Tóth. Col­loquia Math­em­at­ica So­ci­e­tatis Janos Bolyai 63. North-Hol­land (Am­s­ter­dam), 1994. MR 1383627 Zbl 0823.​52005 incollection

K. M. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, and W. R. R. Tran­sue: “Ho­mo­logy sep­ar­a­tion and 2-ho­mo­gen­eity,” pp. 287–​295 in Con­tinua (Cin­cin­nati, OH, 12–15 Janu­ary 1994). Edi­ted by H. Cook, W. T. In­gram, K. T. Ku­per­berg, A. Lelek, and P. Minc. Lec­ture Notes in Pure and Ap­plied Math­em­at­ics 170. Dek­ker (New York), 1995. MR 1326851 Zbl 0826.​54026 incollection

A. Bezdek, K. Ku­per­berg, and W. Ku­per­berg: “Mu­tu­ally con­tigu­ous trans­lates of a plane disk,” Duke Math. J. 78 : 1 (April 1995), pp. 19–​31. MR 1328750 Zbl 0829.​52008 article

K. Ku­per­berg, W. Ku­per­berg, J. Matoušek, and P. Val­tr: “Al­most-tiling the plane by el­lipses,” Dis­crete Com­put. Geom. 22 : 3 (1999), pp. 367–​375. MR 1706602 Zbl 0952.​52016 ArXiv math/​9804040 article

I. Bárány, K. Ku­per­berg, and T. Zam­firescu: “Total curvature and spiralling shortest paths,” pp. 167–​176 in U.S.-Hun­gari­an work­shops on dis­crete geo­metry and con­vex­ity (Bud­apest, 12–16 Ju­ly 1999 and Au­burn, AL, 21–26 March 2000), published as Dis­crete Com­put. Geom. 30 : 2. Issue edi­ted by G. Fejes Tóth and W. Ku­per­berg. Spring­er (New York), August 2003. MR 2007957 Zbl 1043.​52004 ArXiv math/​0301338 incollection

G. Ku­per­berg, K. Ku­per­berg, and W. Ku­per­berg: “Lat­tice pack­ings with gap de­fects are not com­pletely sat­ur­ated,” Beitr. Al­gebra Geom. 45 : 1 (2004), pp. 267–​273. MR 2070648 Zbl 1054.​52010 ArXiv math/​0303366 article