Celebratio Mathematica

Walter D. Neumann

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Works connected to Lawrence David Reeves

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W. D. Neu­mann and L. Reeves: “Reg­u­lar cocycles and bi­auto­mat­ic struc­tures,” Int. J. Al­gebra Com­put. 6 : 3 (1996), pp. 313–​324. MR 1404809 Zbl 0928.​20028 ArXiv math/​9411203 article

W. D. Neu­mann and L. Reeves: “Cent­ral ex­ten­sions of word hy­per­bol­ic groups,” Ann. Math. (2) 145 : 1 (January 1997), pp. 183–​192. MR 1432040 Zbl 0871.​20032 ArXiv math/​9507201 article